20 Nov 2024 - 28 Nov 2024
Nov 2024
Nov 2024

Training workshops on promoting mental well-being through outdoor land/nature play and creative activities

English Version Only

We are pleased to share about the upcoming professional training opportunity on land/nature play for those working with children and young people. A renowned trainer: Kate Macairt will be conducting a series of workshops, and you are encouraged to participate to explore more creative training with a focus on mental well-being in different settings.

The training details are as follows:

2-Day Training in Landplay Therapy (21st & 22nd November 2024) (10am to 4pm)
This two-day training will build participants' knowledge and skills to integrate nature connection into their therapeutic practice. It will explore related theories on neuroscience, ecopsychology, and developmental play.

1-Day Train-the-Trainer Workshop in Landplay Therapy (20th November 2024) (10am to 4pm)
This workshop is designed for therapists who wish to train others in Landplay Therapy.

2-Day Training in AWE and WONDER (27th & 28th November 2024) (10am to 4pm)
This training will provide participants with an understanding of the significance of the creative instinct and its impact on child mental well-being. Participants will receive hands-on "tools" to use in the classroom and at home, suitable for all children, including those with special educational needs. The aim is to deepen self-understanding, promote self-acceptance and self-worth, and inspire children to be curious, which is crucial for the development of the scientific and creative mind.

1-Day Train-the-Trainer Workshop in AWE and WONDER (25th November 2024) (10am to 4pm)
This workshop is designed for participants who want to train others in AWE and WONDER.

All HPE colleagues and nominated students are cordially invited to join one or more of these training sessions. The training will be conducted on the Tai Po Campus.


Research interests:
Andy’s primary research interest lies on the motor learning and impact of physical activity on psychological, cognitive and physical well-being in children with autism spectrum disorder.  He is also interested in motor development and the effect of free-play on overall quality of life in typically developing children. He recently initiates a new research project on the investigation of free-play participation among school-aged children. His research goal is to propose a lighthouse parenting strategy as a reasonable approach to build success among children.


B.Sci.(University of Hong Kong); M.Soc.Sci. (Hong Kong Baptist University);
MSci. (Boise State University); Ph.D. (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Areas of Teaching
Volleyball; Sport management; teaching and coaching in Physical Education
Research Interests
Older adult, children, environmental correlates to physical activity (especially walking),
light volleyball, sitting light volleyball (adapted physical activity), Esports, Physical activity promotion, physical activity measurement


Research interests:
Sports recovery;
Postural control and sports;
Rugby Science;
Sports training invention;
Technology in Physical Education;
Generic skills and sports participation


Research interests:
• Successful aging
• Elderly depression and suicide
• Dementia caregivers
• Social network
• Activity therapy


Research interests: 
Movement Analysis, Biomechanics, Ergonomics, Sports Health, Christian Education


Research interests:
• Nutritional and metabolic aspects of exercise
• Exercise, nutrition and body weight control
• Physical activity, nutrition and health promotion


Research interests:
• Eating behaviour modification,
• Teledietetics,
• Nutrition education and knowledge transfer,
• Physical fitness assessment in the community,
• Glycemic index,
• Exergaming for health


Research interests:
Infection control, Healthcare quality, school health, eLearning


BA (Hons) in Music, University of Cambridge, UK
MA in Education (Psychology), Institute of Education, University of London, UK
PhD in Education, University of Cambridge, UK
Other Qualifications:
Training of Trainers Certificate in Advanced Community Music Leadership, Musicians without Borders, The Netherlands
Mental Health First Aid Instructor (2022-2023)
Areas of Teaching:
School mental health education and promotion; Healthy aging; Music, health, and wellbeing; Qualitative and mixed research methods
Research Interests:
Music for well-being; Music therapy research; Mental health education and promotion


BA (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); MSc (University of Edinburgh)
MSc (University of Glasgow); Ph.D (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Areas of Teaching:
Swimming, Sport Psychology and Mental Preparation, Sports Coaching, Research Methods

Research Interests:
Youths, Older adults, Kindergarteners, Athletes, Self-care and Physical Activity, Self-compassion, Positive Psychology in Education and Coaching


Ph.D. (Education), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.Sc. (Exercise Science), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
B.Ed. (Sports Science), Beijing Sport University

Area of Teaching
Physical Activity for Health; Physical Activity, Health and Fitness in School Populations; Research Methods

Research Interest
Exercise Physiology
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior




高级讲师 I
Master of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Master of Exercise Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Education (Hons.), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Areas of Teaching
Sports and Exercise for Special Populations, Teaching Physical Education to Students with Special Needs, Theory and Practice of Team Ball Games, Theory and Practice of Racquet Games, Current Issues and controversies in Hong Kong School Physical Education
Research Interests
Adapted Physical Education, Physical Fitness of Person with Special Needs


高级讲师 I
M.Sc. (Nutrition, Food Science and Technology), CUHK
MSoc.Sc. (Psychology of Education-Credit), CityUHK
Certificate Course on Student Guidance and Discipline for Teachers of Secondary Schools (Distinction), CUHK
BEd. (Secondary Education), OUHK
BA (Work-based Learning Studies), Middlesex University, UK
ACTE (Home Management – Distinction), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Teacher Certificate (Home Economics), Northcote College of Education

Areas of Teaching:
Curriculum Planning and Pedagogy in Home Economics/ Technology and Living Education, Theory and Practice of Culinary Skills and Needlework Skills, STEM Education in Secondary School Settings.

Research Interests:
Food and Nutrition, Students with Special Educational Needs

雷雄德博士, MH

高级讲师 I
Graduate Certificate in Sports & Recreation Management: Victoria University of Technology, Australia.
Doctor of Physical Education: Springfield College, USA.
Master of Science: Springfield College, USA.
Bachelor of Science (Summa Cum Lauda): Springfield College, USA.
Advanced Teacher Certificate in Education (Physical Education): Grantham College of Education, Hong Kong.
Teacher Certificate: Northcote College of Education, Hong Kong.

Research Interests
Pediatric Exercise Science; Physical Activity; Outdoor Sports and Wilderness Experience


高级讲师 II
Master of Art (School Improvement and leadership), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Education (Hons.), The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Areas of Teaching:
PES1272 Introduction to Practical and Theoretical Considerations in Sports Coaching
PES2164 Theory and Practice of Individual Physical Activities
PES2174 Theory and Practice of Team Ball Games
PES3172 Fundamental Movement for Junior Primary School
PES3178 Theory and Practice of Lifelong Physical Activities
PES3280 Pedagogy and Practice in Sports Coaching
PES4292 Internship

Research Interests:
Fundamental Movement
Learning and Teaching Strategies in Physical Education
Motor Learning
Sports Training
Sports Coaching
Technology in Physical Education


讲师 I
教育学士(北体大); 教育硕士. (北体大)
体操, 健康舞, 舞蹈及太极


讲师 I
Ed.D. (Physical Education and Sports Science), EdUHK
M.Sc. (Sports Medicine and Health Science), CUHK
B.Ed. (Hons.) (Physical Education), HKIEd

Areas of Teaching:
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education, Sports Injury and Prevention, Human Anatomy, Sports Performance Analysis

Research Interests:
Motor Learning and Control, Teaching Pedagogy, Rasch Measurement, Educational Assessment


讲师 II
  • MSocSc (Psychology) (Schools and Community Settings) (EdUHK)
  • Bachelor of Health Education (Hons) (EdUHK)
  • Certificate of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (Level Two) (HKSSEP)

Areas of teaching:
Physical Fitness Education, Child and Adolescent Health Education
Research interests:
Physical health & mental health, karate-do

  • Member of the Hong Kong Psychological Society
  • Councillor of the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation


MSocSc (Sport and Leisure Management), HKBU

Area of Teaching:
Theory and Practice of Racquet Games, Analysis of Teaching and Coaching in Physical Education

Research Intertest:
Badminton, Sports Management

Dr LI Chung

Status and Qualifications:
Justice of Peace of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Adjunct Professor, Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2015)

Appointment Period:
1 October 2021 to 30 September 2025

Ms CHING Tai Yin Patricia

Status and Qualifications:
Senior Nurse Adviser of Infection Control,
Hong Kong Baptist Hospital

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026

Dr CHOW Pui Yu Lina

Status and Qualifications:
PhD, MEd in Teacher Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2015)

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026

Dr CRUZ Alberto

Status and Qualifications:
Doctor of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Health and Physical Education
The Education University of Hong Kong
(since 2018)

Appointment Period:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026