Address from Prof. J. R. Norris

The President, International EPR(ESR) Society

Dear Chairman Rudowicz and Attendees of The First Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium:


On behalf of the International EPR Society I should like to welcome you to the First Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium. One of the more pleasant duties of the Society is to recognize significant meetings dealing with EPR. Certainly this meeting is most momentous. Unquestionably the large attendance to this meeting signals the ever-increasing importance of EPR worldwide and in the Asia-Pacific area in particular. Hopefully, this meeting is only the first of a series of Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposia to come.


The young International EPR Society continues to grow and certainly needs your continued support. The recent growth of the International EPR Society in the Pacific-Asia area has been remarkable and with additional work the Society will become even more successful by the time of the Second Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium. The growth of the Society is a direct result of the efforts of many of you in attendance. I only wish I were there to thank you personally. Regardless, please take advantage of the Society and its Newsletter. For example, the Newsletter contains the addresses, including e-mail when available, of its members and thus represents a great resource for contacting EPR enthusiasts worldwide. We have plans for a World Wide Web page for the Society that will bring researchers in the field of EPR even closer together. Also, if you have any suggestions please contact one of my co-officers or me.


I personally know how much work is involved in hosting such a meeting and I would like to thank, as well as to congratulate, Prof. Czeslaw Rudowicz, Chairman, and his co-workers of the Local Organizing Committee, and also the International Organizing Committee of The First Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium. Your hard work has made this marvelous meeting a reality.

Most Sincerely,

Jim Norris


International EPR Society