Educational Provision for
Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong

Legislation - Education for children of ethnic minorities 2007

13 December 2007
Views received from depitations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)160/07-08(01)
7 December 2007
Views received from depitations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)160/07-08(01)
List of issues raised by members (as at 1 December 2007) .
Paper No. CB(2)513/07-08(03)
21 November 2007
Views received from depitations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)160/07-08(01)
Revised version of the paper entitiled "Scrutiny progress of the Bill" prepared by the Legislative Council Secreiat.
Paper No. CB(2)2501/06-07(01)
Letter dated 30 October 2007 from Hong Kong Unison.
Paper No. CB(2)286/07-08(01)
Paper provided by the Council of Europe entitled "Case 'Relating to certain aspects of the Law on the Use of Language in Education in Belgium'”.
Paper No. CB(2)11527/06-07(04)
Administration's paper on admission of local non-Chinese speaking students to institutions funded by University Grants Committee and further flexibility on application of Chinese language requirement.
Paper No. CB(2)377/07-08(01)
List of issues raised by members (as at 31 July 2007).
Paper No. CB(2)2753/06-07(05)
29 October 2007
Views received from depitations/individuals on specific clauses of the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)160/07-08(01)
08 October 2007
List of issues raised by members (as at 31 July 2007).
Paper No. CB(2)2753/06-07(05)
27 June 2007
Paper entitled "Scrutiny progress of the Bill" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)2231/06-07(01)
26 June 2007
List of issues raised by members (as at 30 May 2007).
Paper No. CB(2)2231/06-07(02)
31 May 2007
Paper entitled "Discrimination to which the Bill applies" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)1994/06-07(01)
List of issues raised by members (as at 30 May 2007).
Paper No. CB(2)1594/06-07(03)
15 May 2007
List of issues raised by members (as at 30 May 2007).
Paper No. CB(2)1594/06-07(03)
25 April 2007
Requirement for Chinese proficiency in seeking education and employment: Information note prepared by the Research and the Library Services Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. IN12/06/07
3 March 2007
Submission from Vocation Training Council.
Paper No. CB(2)1201/06-07(03)
28 February 2007
Paper entitiled "List of issues raised by members at the meeting on 16 January 2007 " prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)963/06-07(01)
Paper entitiled "Issues relating to education for ethnic minorities" prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)1157/06-07(01)
05 February 2007
Paper entitiled "List of issues raised by members at the meeting on 16 January 2007 " prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)963/06-07(01)
29 January 2007
Paper entitiled "List of issues raised by members at the meeting on 16 January 2007 " prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat .
Paper No. CB(2)963/06-07(01)
16 January 2007
Paper provided by the Home Affairs Bureau on "Support measures for non-Chinese Speaking Students”.
Paper No. CB(2)884/06-07(02)
Paper provided by the Home Affairs Bureau on "Race Relation Unit”.
Paper No. CB(2)884/06-07(01)
Paper provided by the Home Affairs Bureau on "Education for Children of Ethni Minoritiest” previously issued for discussion at the meeting of the Panel on Education on 10 July 2006.
Paper No. CB(2)2642/05-06(04)

8 January 2007

Formulation of an alterative Chinese Language curriculum for non-Chinese speaking students:

Paper provided by the Administration.
Paper No. CB(2)757/06-07(02)

Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat.
Paper No. CB(2)757/06-07(03)

Summary of the views of the Hong Kong Unison Limited and the Administration's response.
(issued on 27 September 2006) Paper No. CB(2)3101/05-06(01)

Minutes of the Duty Roster Members' interview with the Hong Kong Unison Limited on 5 September 2006.
(issued on 27 September 2006) Paper No. CP 1007/05-06

Letter dated 9 October 2006 from Hong Kong Christian Service on Designated schools for non-Chinese speaking students.
(issued on 16 October 2006) Paper No. CB(2)77/06-07(01)

Administration's response to the letter dated 9 October 2006 from Hong Kong Christian Service.
(issued on 6 November 2006) Paper No. CB(2)260/06-07(01)

Submission from Hong Kong Unison Limited.
LC Paper No. CB(2)804/06-07(01)

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