Educational Provision for
Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong

Legislation - Legislating Against Racial Discrimination 2007

30 July 2007

23 March 2007

Paper entitled "Propriety of support measures for ethnic minorities" provided by the Administration
Paper entitled "Follow-up information on education for the ethnic minorities" provided by the Administration

28 February 2007

Notes of a meeting of the Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony forwarded by the Administration (English version only)

5 February 2007

Paper entitled "Compatibility of the Race Discrimination Bill with the Basic Law and international human rights treaties" provided by the Administration [CB(2)963/06-07(03)]
Paper entitled "Compatibility with Articles 24 and 25 of Basic Law" provided by the Administration
Paper entitled "Consequential amendments to other ordinances" provided by the Administration
Paper entitled "Definition of 'race' " provided by the Administration [CB(2)963/06-07(02)]
Paper entitled "Discriminatory advertisements" provided by the Administration

Paper entitled "Education for the ethnic minorities" provided by the Administration.
LC Paper No. CB(2)1019/06-07(01)

List of issues raised by members at the meeting on 16 January 2007.
LC Paper No. CB(2)963/06-07(01)

Paper entitled "Home Affairs Bureau - Race Relations Unit".
LC Paper No. CB(2)884/06-07(01)

Paper entitled "Support measures for non-Chinese speaking students".
LC Paper No. CB(2)884/06-07(02)

Paper entitled "Education for children of ethnic minorities".
LC Paper No. CB(2)2642/05-06(04)

Paper entitled "The meaning of 'race' in race discrimination legislation of certain relevant overseas jurisdictions".
LC Paper No. CB(2)963/06-07(02)
Paper entitled "The meaning of 'race' in race discrimination legislation of certain relevant overseas jurisdictions".
LC Paper No. LS32/06-07


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