​​​​​​​Faculty Newsletter ​​​​​​​June 2015

15 FHM Newsletter . 人文學院通訊 Department & Centre Highlights Date Topic Speaker 8/10/2014 Reading Club Meeting in Hong Kong Literature: “Two Anti-heroes: King of Killers and Hot Tempered Leung” 香港文學讀書會:「兩條好漢:殺人王與牛精良」 Dr. Wong Chung Ming (Hong Kong Shue Yan University) 黃仲鳴博士(香港樹仁大學) 13/10/2014 Reading Club Meeting in Chinese Literature: “The Lyrical Space: Several Methods of Reading Chinese Lyrical Tradition” 中國文學讀書會:「抒情空間:閱讀中國抒情傳統的幾種 方法」 Prof. Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard(陳國球教授) 17-18/10/2014 The Second International Conference on the Art of Interpretations of Chinese Canonical Texts 第二屆中國經典文獻的詮釋藝術國際學術研討會 This was an event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the HKIEd. It was organised by Prof. Cheng Kat Hung, Dennis, as part of his GRF project funded by the RGC and co-organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at HKIEd, the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Intermediaries and Crossing Borders Cultural Exchange Project at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of National Taiwan University, the Department of Chinese Literature at the National Chengchi University, and the Department of Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. 此乃香港教育學院二十週年校慶活動,由鄭吉雄教授 主辦(香港政府研究資助局優配研究金資助),香港 教育學院文學及文化學系、香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學 院、臺灣大學文學院跨國界的文化傳釋研究計劃、臺 灣政治大學中國文學系、美國賓夕凡尼亞州大學亞洲 研究系合辦。 27/10/2014 Lecture in Hong Kong Literature: “From Inspiration to Art”; and “The Birth of a Poem” 香港文學講座:「從靈感的捕捉到藝術的轉化」, 及「一首詩的誕生」 Dr. Wong Leung Wo(王良和博士)and Mr. Chung Kwok Keung (Hong Kong-based poet) 鍾國強先生 香港詩人) 29/10/2014 Reading Club Meeting in Chinese Literature: “A Dialogue with Lyricism: The Methods of Reading On Chinese Lyricism” 中國文學讀書會「與抒情對話:閱讀《抒情中國論》的方法」 Prof. Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard(陳國球教授) (introduced by Dr. Au Chung To)(引言人區仲桃博士) 30/10/2014 LCS Lecture Series: “From Jiangnan Watertown to Oriental Venice: The Teaching of Culture in Picture Books” 文學及文化學系講座系列:「從江南水鄉到東方威尼斯: 圖畫書中的文化教學」 Dr. Fok Yuk Ying(霍玉英博士) 30/10/2014 Guest Lecture: “A Poetry Talk by Collier Nogues” Ms. Collier Nogues (Poet) 7/11/2014 LCS Lecture Series: “The Structures of Huang Zhongze Anthologies in the Republican Period” 文學及文化學系講座系列:「民國時期黃仲則選本的結構方式」 Dr. Yip Cheuk Wai(葉倬瑋博士) 26/11/2014 LCS Lecture Series: “‘This is a bogus marriage!’ Readers’ Empathy in a Hong Kong Classroom” Dr. Bidisha Banerjee 12/2014 The publishing and broad distribution of the book In Other Words: Poetry in Translation from HKIEd 香港教育學院雙語詩集》成功出版面世 The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 For more information about LCS, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/lcs. The Second International Conference on the Art of Interpretations of Chinese Canonical Texts invited active frontline scholars from several countries across Asia and North America to share the fruits of their latest research on the Chinese hermeneutic tradition. LCS promotes knowledge transfer both locally and internationally. In Other Words: Poetry in Translation from HKIEd is a new bilingual poetry book by HKIEd students and LCS staff. The book has been published and distributed free to more than 700 public libraries, primary and secondary schools, and universities in Hong Kong, and more than 200 schools and universities in other countries and areas such as Macau, Mainland China, Taiwan, USA, and so forth.