Faculty Brochure

CENTRES/RESEARCH CENTRES 中心/研究中心 Centres 中心 Centre for Language in Education (CLE) 語文教育中心 • Provision of language enhancement programmes (LEP) covering Chinese (including Putonghua) and English 提供中國語文、普通話及英文增潤課程 • Implementation of assessments for language learning 透過測試促進語文學習 • Offer of co-curricular and extra-curricular language enhancement activities and learning resources at Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC), e.g.: 於沈艾達語文研習中心舉辦聯課或課外語文活動及提供學習資源,如︰ - Workshops, consultations, and self-access language learning software in Chinese (including Putonghua) and English 中國語文、普通話及英文工作坊、諮詢及自學語文資源 - English Cafe, book club, cultural workshops and English language buddy scheme 英語咖啡室、讀書俱樂部、文化工作坊和英語夥伴計劃 - International Tutors from all around the world, including Finland, Germany, Mali, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, and the United States to organise activities 由來自世界各地包括芬蘭、德國、馬里、荷蘭、波蘭、烏克蘭及美國 的國際導師主持相關活動 CKC Centre for the Development of Information Technology in Chinese Language Teaching 縱橫資訊科技語文發展中心 • CKC Chinese Input System 縱橫中文輸入法 • CKC online dictionary and code phrase search 縱橫碼在線中文字典及詞組搜尋 • Pinyin guide, simplified/traditional Chinese recognition and Putonghua/Cantonese reciprocal conversion 標示拼音、繁簡中文辨識及中台港常用字粵普聲韻調交互對照 Putonghua Training and Testing Centre (PTTC) 普通話培訓測試中心 • PSC Putonghua Proficiency Test 普通話水平測試 • Training of pre-service and in-service Putonghua teachers in Hong Kong 培訓香港普通話師資 • Research and publication projects related to the learning, teaching and testing of Putonghua in Hong Kong 研究及發表香港學、教、測普通話的相關課題 FHM Brochure 6 |