Faculty Brochure

MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN 院長寄語 In line with the University’s strategic development, the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) was founded in July 2012 (restructured from the former Faculty of Languages) to provide a more comprehensive learning environment and balanced emphasis on academic knowledge, cross-cultural awareness and intercultural competencies which help to nurture and groom our graduates in a wider spectrum of Humanities. As the youngest Faculty in EdUHK, the Faculty builds upon its pre-existing strengths in the discipline areas of language, literature and culture to focus on high quality programme offerings in a wider spectrum of Humanities related disciplines like Language Studies, General and Applied Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and History, with the development of other new areas in the ensuing years. On the research front, we are devoted to conducting academic research in various discipline areas of Humanities. With the establishment of the Faculty-level Research Centres including the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities, the Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies and the Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture, the Faculty also works with the University-level Research Centres, pulling together research teams and strengthening academic publications, contributing to the advancement of the humanities disciplines. I look forward to working closely with all the stakeholders of FHM in the coming days. With all our concerted efforts, I am sure that we will continue to take on all the challenges ahead and to make our contribution to Hong Kong and beyond, with our long-established strengths in humanities education. 為配合教大的策略性發展,語文學院於2012年7月改組成為現時的人文學院,致力優化學習 環境,培育德學兼修,具跨文化意識和溝通能力的人文學科與教育專才。 作為教大最年輕的學院,人文學院在語文、文學及文化等既有的學術領域上,專注發展人文學 科及相關的教育課程,範疇涵蓋語言、普通語言學及應用語言學、文學、文化、歷史及其相關 的教學方法,日後並會開展更多科目。 在研究方面,人文學院致力發展人文學科的研究,成立了流行文化與人文學研究中心、語言學 及語言研究中心及中國文學文化研究中心,組織研究團隊,開展多項研究工作,以推動人文 學科教育的發展。 我們期望與各持份者保持緊密的聯繫,力臻至善。我們秉持教研相長的宗旨,迎接挑戰,發揮 人文教育對社會的影響,為本港以至其他地區作出貢獻。 Professor TONG Ho Kin 湯浩堅教授 Dean, Faculty of Humanities 人文學院院長 1 | Message from the Dean 院長寄語