


Cambodian Director-General of Higher Education Visits EdUHK


Key Cambodian higher education partners for the Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP) visited EdUHK this week. 

The Cambodian delegation met Prof Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, President of the EdUHK and Prof Bruce Macfarlane, Dean of FEHD. They also joined a FEHD seminar co-organised by the Cambodian EdD students. The seminar brought together 30 colleagues and postgraduate students to share insights into practices and lessons learnt to enhance higher education teaching and learning quality and equity in Cambodia. 

Among the delegation were:

  • Mr Mak Ngoy, Director General of Higher Education (DGHE), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS),
  • Dr Nith Bunlay, Deputy Director General of Higher Education of Higher Education, MoEYS, and
  • Dr Sok Soth, Dean of Faculty of Education, Royal University of Phnom Penh.  

Over the past few years, FEHD has teamed up with the Cambodian DGHE and six leading Cambodian universities to enhance inclusive and quality higher education in Cambodia.

Under this HEIP project, FEHD has

  • co-established the Centre of Excellence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Innovations (CEHETLI) for leading teacher capacity building on inclusive and quality teaching and learning;
  • co-implemented a Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (GCTLHE) to enhance teacher capacities for quality and inclusive higher education in Cambodia. The graduates have served as Master Teachers to scale up quality teacher professional development within and across Cambodian partner universities;
  • co-developed online professional development resources in Khmer and English to provide resource support for quality teaching and learning.

The team members engaged in this project are:

  • Prof LIM Cher Ping (Project Leader), Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation, Associate Dean (International Engagement) of Faculty of Education and Human Development
  • Ms YANG Danlin Lynn, Program Manager, Faculty of Education and Human Development
  • Dr FONG Wai Tsz Ricci, Assistant Professor of Teaching at Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
  • Dr LEUNG Ka-wai, Senior Lecturer II and Associate Head of C&I
  • Dr XU Huixuan, Assistant Professor and Associate Head of C&I
  • Dr YUN Pui Ho Patrick, Senior Lecturer I at C&I
  • Prof YAN Zi, Professor and Associate Head of C&I
  • Dr ZHAN Ying, Assistant Professor at C&I

FEHD will provide more opportunities for professional development and knowledge transfer for Cambodian university teachers.