


Professor Kerry Lee Takes the Helm at CBE


Professor Kerry Lee, a new Professor at ECE, has been appointed director of the Centre for Brain and Education.

Professor Lee has led two research centres and started one research laboratory at the National Institute of Education with research focusing on cognitive development, pedagogy and child development. 

Professor Lee is known for his work in the fields of psychology and child development. Yet few know that he is also a skilled martial artist who practices aikido.

Upon his appointment, Professor Lee noted that "The ECE Department has built up a strong network with the local kindergarten system.  That sounds a great draw to me as I hope to build a live data bank which can be accessible to all early childhood researchers in Hong Kong. This may help to take early childhood research work to a new level.”

The Professor aims to broaden the scope of the centre by drawing more like-minded cognitive-developmental scientists and educators together. “Educational neuroscience is an emerging field which requires a wide spectrum of expertise and infrastructural investment.” 

About Professor Kerry Lee
Preprints: www.researchgate.net/profile/Kerry_Lee2
Citations: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=W5S41EgAAAAJ&hl=en
Reviews: publons.com/a/865004/

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