Evidence-based Capstone Project
This is a two-semester course. Students, under supervision, will conduct a capstone project. The capstone project must be evidence-based which investigate a particular area in typical and/or disordered function in speech, language, hearing, literacy, communication, or swallowing. The evidence-based capstone project can be either an empirical or restrospective study in the forms of either single case experiments, research projects, meta-analyses of the literature curriculum guides or, instructional manuals with evidence-based practice evaluations. All project proposals should include the following sections: abstract, introduction, : a review of literature, a statement of the problems and purposes of the project,a statement of the importance/implications of the project, methodology, results (including evaluations), discussion, and conclusion (including limitations and future directions) and a research or evaluation component. A satisfactory evidence-based capstone project should reflect the collection of skills learned from different academic subjects, and result in a final product that demonstrates what a student can apply from the knowledge and skills he/she learned from the studies in the Master of Science Program in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities.