Early Childhood Education

Specialist Courses Description * Compulsory/ Elective
Critical Issues In Early Childhood Education This course focuses on issues that are not only critical in terms of being fundamental to early childhood education but they are also critical in that they present ideas and utilise frameworks which are current and relevant to the field. Students will be encouraged to critically review and analyse current issues in early childhood education using a range of theoretical perspectives (e.g., postmodernism, constructivism, critical theories). Students will consider the implications of these issues in relation to early childhood education contexts and develop insights into school-based innovations. Compulsory
Research Method in Early Childhood Education This course is designed to build on the fundamental research skills that students have obtained in their previous studies. The course focuses on approaches commonly used in current early childhood educational (ECE) research. Students explore different research approaches through seminar-based classes and directed studies. Issues such as determining the use of specific methodologies, ethical implications and the roles and contribution of qualitative and quantitative approaches in ECE research will be discussed. Through interacting with others, hands-on experience and practicing research skills,  student’s ability in linking research methodological theories to ECE research practice and  competence in undertaking research in preschool settings will be enhanced.  Compulsory#
Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment This course assists students in investigating the interrelationships between curriculum pedagogy and assessment; and examining the implications of these relationships in early childhood programs. Opportunities will be provided for students to compare and contrast local practice with those in other countries. Students will also be able to develop a critically informed and research-based understanding of related issues at local and international levels. Compulsory
Children’s Learning in Changing Times Children’s learning is under scrutiny in a society saturated with ideologies and technologies. This course outlines contemporary theories influencing our conception of knowledge, young children’s development and learning, and educational transitions. It examines and reflects how children cope with the changes in the sociocultual context of Hong Kong. The implications of changes in relation to children, teachers, schools and parents in facilitating children’s learning are discussed and evaluate. Elective
Home-School-Community Partnerships in Diverse Society This course aims to facilitate a thorough understanding and examination of the partnerships between home, school and community in diverse society. It examines research and theories of home-school-community partnerships and emphasises the influence of such partnerships on children’s learning and development. It also explores the role of culture, context, and diversity in home-school-community partnerships. In order to integrate theories, research and practice, skills and strategies in identifying resources for developing comprehensive collaborative programmes are explored.  Elective
Language and Literacy Development in Children This course presents an overview of issues related to first and second language acquisition and literacy development. Students examine different theories proposed for acquisition, and the major milestones and processes of development as well as factors affecting oracy and literacy.  Students also explore the implications of current research findings on language education for young children in early years in Hong Kong. Elective
Nurturing Social-Emotional Well-being of Children The aim of the course is to widen teachers’ capability in enhancing the well-being of children through nurturing the social-emotional competence of children. Social-emotional competence is a powerful adaptive system that can protect children in both favourable and unfavourable environments and contribute to their well-being.  Elective
Understanding Families in Educational & Community Settings The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of the literature on family studies, and to link such knowledge to practical issues that educators and community service providers often face when dealing with different types of families. Using both social ecological and family systems perspectives as overarching frameworks, the course helps students understand different family subsystems (e.g., marital, parent-child, sibling) as contexts where children and adolescents learn skills and develop competencies. Elective
Early Child Development & Education Across Cultures This course highlights the dynamic nature of culture in shaping child development and early childhood education.  This course explores recent child development research that has been conducted across cultures focusing on comparing work done in the Confucian Heritage and Western cultures. The first part of this course includes children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development in families, schools and society across cultures.  The second part elaborates and discusses impacts of Globalization and Chinese cultures on early childhood education in families and schools. Elective
Current Research in Parent-Child Relationships This course aims to facilitate a thorough understanding and examination of parent-child relationships.  Students will examine research and theories of parenting practices and parent-child interactions.  It will also pay particular attention to processes and contexts that influence parenting behaviors, such as child characteristics, parental and cultural beliefs about parenting, marital relationship, and social conditions that influence family functioning. Major topics will include parenting theories, models and strategies; parent-child relationships as a function of age and stage of development; and the role of culture, context, and diversity in the negotiation of relational roles in parent-child interactions. Elective


*Students taking Early Childhood Education as an area of focus have to complete two of the compulsory courses.

#Students who choose “Research Project” in Early Childhood Education area of focus, must take “Research Method in Early Childhood Education” from the compulsory list.

Courses listed above may not be offered every semester.

#Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the Course and the manner in which the Course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements and curriculum changes.