Recommended Websites
環境及持續發展教育網 | http://www.ied.edu.hk/esdweb/ |
台灣大學環教資訊網 | http://eeweb.gcc.ntu.edu.tw |
環保新地帶 | http://home4u.hongkong.com/health/living/earthprotect/ |
香港環保署 | http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/cindex.html |
香港教育專業人員協會 環保及綠色生活推廣組 |
http://www.hkptu.org |
認識臭氧層危機 | http://www.itri.org.tw/homepage/b/t300/cfc/ |
紅樹林 | http://home.yam.org.tw/nov/what.htm |
全世界的紅樹林樹種 | http://home.yam.org.tw/nov/classify.htm |
東亞野生物貿易研究委員會 (TRAFFIC East Asia)
野生動植物網 | http://www.wow.org.tw/ |
香港保育 | http://www.wow.org.tw/easia/hk/hk-i.htm |
藥用植物成為國際焦點 | http://www.wow.org.tw/easia/hk/hk-med.htm |
中國保育 | http://www.wow.org.tw/easia/china/china-i.htm |
永別白鱀豚?中國即將消失的豚類 | http://www.wow.org.tw/easia/china/d-index.htm |
野生物貿易現況-蘇俄的野生動植物貿易 | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/reussia.htm |
1988年到1991年歐洲共同體(EU)的CITES公約附錄物種貿易 | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/eu1991.htm |
1990-1994年間象牙存量在相關國家的比較 | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/ivory.htm |
檢驗南太平洋的海洋無脊椎類動物貿易 | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/marine.htm |
鯊魚專輯 | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/shark/shark-i.htm |
檢驗木材貿易 | http://www.wow.org.tw/people/log-trd.htm |
拯救瀕危的野生老虎 (1) | http://www.wow.org.tw/species/tiger/t-genrl.htm |
拯救瀕危的野生老虎 (2) | http://www.wow.org.tw/show/show-t/tx-index.htm |
環 保 新 地 帶
濕 地 | http://home4u.hongkong.com/_H4U/health/living/earthprotect/pollution/water/2.htm |
綠 色 和 平 中 國 分 部
選擇基因改造食物,還是飢荒? | http://www.greenpeace-china.org.hk/chi/gm_news_item.adp?id=338 |
基 因 工 程 | http://www.greenpeace-china.org.hk/chi/gm_main.adp |
生態主張者:Ayo 網站 | http://www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/~humeco/ |
生態學發展史與保育史 | http://www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/~humeco/8teach/ecohis01.htm |
基礎生態學 | http://www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/~humeco/8teach/eco00.htm |
大自然互動教室 | http://www.info.gov.hk/afd/afdparks/game/game.html |
新營高工八十七學年度校園環境管理工作進度表 | http://www.hyivs.tnc.edu.tw/20/weisheng/newpage4.htm |
Sustainable Development Impacts
of human activities on the environment
Pollution The Relation Between Human and
Basic Ecology Environmental Education in Campus
Envirolink | http://envirolink.org/envirohome.html |
UNEP | http://www.unep.org/ |
UNESCO: Teaching for a Sustainable Future
Understanding Sustainable Development | http://www.unesco.org/epd/unesco/theme_a/mod03/uncom03.htm |
World Bank Group: Development Education Program
Defining Sustainable Development | http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/english/whatis.htm |
International Institute for Sustainable Education
Education and Sustainable Development | http://iisd.ca/youth/ysbk021.htm |
SD on Campus: A Toolkit | http://iisd1.iisd.ca/educate/ |
Interactive Learning About Sustainable Development | http://iisd1.iisd.ca/educate/learn.htm |
Learning for a Sustainable Future
Concepts | http://www.schoolnet.ca/vp-pv/learning/e/how/concepts.html |
Lexicon | http://www.schoolnet.ca/vp-pv/learning/e/how/lexicon.html |
President's Council on Sustainable Development,
Education for Sustainability: An agenda for Action | http://www.gcrio.org/edu/pcsd/toc.html |
Union of Concerned Scientists
Global Warming | http://www.ucsusa.org/globalresources/0warming.html |
50 Years is Enough!
Destroying Orissa, Fueling Climate Change | http://www.50years.org/factsheets/orissa.html |
Environmental Change Network (UK)
Weather and Climate Change Tutorials | http://www.nmw.ac.uk/ecn/Weather_tutorials.htm |
United Nations Environment Programme / World
Meteorological Organization
Common Questions about Climate Change | http://www.gcrio.org/ipcc/qa/cover.html |
The Center for Learning Technologies in Urban
Schools, Northwestern University
Global Warming Project | http://www.letus.nwu.edu/projects/gw/ |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Global Warming | http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/globalwarming.html |
US Environmental Protection Agency
Global Warming | http://www.epa.gov/students/global_warming_us.htm |
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest | http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/01d.html |
Rainforest and Global Warming | http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/04a.html |
Rates of Rainforests Loss | http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/04b.html |
Money in the rainforest | http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/04f.html |
Species Extinction | http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/03b.html |
Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest for Kids and Teachers l | http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/kids&teachers/index.html |
Union of Concerned Scientists
Ozone Depletion | http://www.ucsusa.org/globalresources/index.html |
FAQ about Ozone Depletion | http://www.ucsusa.org/globalresources/index.html |
US Environmental Protection Agency
Ozone Depletion | http://www.epa.gov/ozone/ |
Air Quality Public Awareness Program, US
Acid Rain Lesson Plan | http://www.nature.nps.gov/ard/lessons.html |
US Environmental Protection Agency
Acid Rain | http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/acidrain/index.html |
Species and Biodiversity
World Resources Institute
Facts about Biodiversity | http://www.wri.org/wri/biodiv/biodiv.html |
Consortium for International Earth Science Information
Biological Diversity | http://www.ciesin.org/TG/LU/biodiver.html |
Union of Concerned Scientists
FAQ about Biodiversity | http://www.ucsusa.org/resources/biodiv.faq.html |
Rutgers University
Biodiversity | http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~biodiversity/whatis2.htm |
The Ecological Society of America
Biodiversity | http://esa.sdsc.edu/biodiv2.htm |
American Museum of Natural History
Endangered Species | http://www.amnh.org/Exhibition/Expedition/Endangered/index.html |
World Wide Fund for Nature (Hong Kong) | http://www.wwf.org.hk/ |
Safe Energy Communication Council
Twenty Years After The Accident: The Legacy of Three Mile Island & The Dying Nuclear Industry | http://www.safeenergy.org/TMIbackgrounder.htm |
Alliance to Save Energy
Lesson Plans | http://www.ase.org/educators/download.htm |
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Basic Info on MOX fuel | http://www.nirs.org/basicmoxinfo.htm |
Environmental Education Exchange
Solar Energy | http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/core.html |
Chemical Energy | http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/chemical.html |
Photovoltaics | http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/pv.html |
Solar thermal | http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/passive.html |
Glossary | http://www.eeexchange.org/solar/glossary.html |
The Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory
Solar Energy | http://www.mcrel.org/resources/links/science/sciencelessons.asp |
Pesticide Education Center
Green & Growing Environmental Education Project | http://www.gatewest.net/~green/ |
50 Years is Enough!
Poison Profits | http://www.50years.org/factsheets/pesticide.html |
Genetic Engineering of our Food | http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/john.rose/ |
Genetically Engineered Oilseed Rape | http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/john.rose/foerape.html |
Scientific findings | http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/john.rose/scifind.html |
Genetically Engineering | http://www.netlink.de/gen/home.html |
What is genetic engineering? | http://www.netlink.de/gen/fagan.html#whatis |
Scientific facts | http://www.netlink.de/gen/fagan.html#ban |
Global threat to humanity's food supply | http://www.netlink.de/gen/fagan.html#glob |
Mothers for Natural Law | http://www.safe-food.org/ |
What is genetic engineering? | http://www.safe-food.org/-issue/ge.html |
What are the dangers? | http://www.safe-food.org/-issue/dangers.html |
Claims and facts | http://www.safe-food.org/-issue/claims.html |
Poway Unified School District
Planet Earth Treasure Hunt | http://powayusd.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/mtr/TreasureHunt.cfm |
Environmental Teaching and Research Office, University
of Edinburg, UK
Curriculum Greening: A resource pack for integrating environmental perspectives into courses | http://www.cecs.ed.ac.uk/greeninfo/gcpack/index2.htm |
UNESCO: Teaching for a Sustainable Future
A future perspective in the curriculum | http://www.unesco.org/epd/unesco/theme_a/mod02/uncom02.htm |
Reorienting education for a sustainable future | http://www.unesco.org/epd/unesco/theme_a/mod04/uncom04.htm |
E2: Environment & Education
Environmental Education | http://www.enviroaction.org/enviroed.html (under development) |
Sample Lessons | http://www.enviroaction.org/curricula/index.html (under development) |
Earth Island Institute
Environmental Education | http://www.earthisland.org/eijournal/fall98/eia_fall98maat.html |
US Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Education | http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/ |