Module Code 單元編號 |
TLS6070 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
This course provides participants with an authentic opportunity of leading experiential learning programmes in a non-local context. It allows participants to apply theoretical concepts, frameworks, and/or models of student experiential learning activities to promote whole person education for students on a field trip outside Hong Kong. Participants will work in groups to conduct a needs analysis of a selected group of students and features of the target non-local context to develop types of tailor-made experiential learning programmes in the target city/region/country. They will then pilot the designed programmes by taking a field trip and experiencing the learning programmes themselves in the target context. Pre-, while- and/or post-programme measurements will be administrated to manage, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the non-local experiential learning programmes. After the field trip, a critical reflection will be conducted on how to better develop and manage non-local experiential learning programmes in the future. |