Module Code 單元編號 |
TLS4064 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
This course aims to develop teachers as learners, researchers, inquirers and knowledge creators in education and their related disciplines; and prepare them for conducting a research-based or an inquiry-based project in Capstone Project II: Project Output. It consists of two parts: Part A “Generic Research Methods” (1.5 cps) introduces basic research knowledge and principles of research methods for students to use and/or conduct research in education and related disciplines, and ethical issues in the research process. It emphasises students’ roles as users of research as well as researchers themselves and the process of action research and/or action learning. Topics include recognising the value of educational research, understanding the process of research, the search and effective use of literature, identifying research topic and questions, features of research proposal and research report, ethical issues in educational research and reliability and validity of different research methods. Students study short online units and attend face-to-face tutorials in which they are guided to connect and consolidate online learning with in-class learning activities. The assessment tasks include online and in-class exercises on research methods. Part B “Methods for Specific Area in Preparation of Capstone Project” (1.5 cps) prepares students to develop a proposal for conducting a project-based study in their chosen areas. Topics may include understanding the purposes and methods of sampling, quantitative research methods (e.g., survey research, experimental study, descriptive statistics and correlation, inferential statistics and data analysis with SPSS), qualitative research methods (e.g., interview, observation, documents and artefacts, case study), mixed-methods research, research in comparative education and philosophical methods in educational research. Students will be guided to identify a topic, conduct a literature review, select appropriate methods of data collection and analysis/inquiry, write a proposal, and create a demonstration/ visualization of the project idea. |