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Module Synopsis
To cater diverse needs among students, “Mental Health Support for Young People” will provide students with training that takes a related but different perspective from positive psychology and positive education. Specifically, this course aims to help students develop the essential knowledge, skills, and personal qualities to become an effective Youth Mental Health First Aider in Hong Kong. The course has two components. The first component is to provide students with training in the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) course and working with children and young people who require mental health assistance and support in educational and community settings in Hong Kong. Students who complete the YMHFA course will be qualified as a Youth Mental Health First Aider with a Certificate in Youth Mental Health First Aid if they pass the standardized examination. Students will also learn to develop systematic strategies to promote mental well-being in young people based on theories of mental well-being and helping models. The second component is to provide students with the opportunity for self-understanding and self-growth for becoming an effective Youth Mental Health First Aider. Students will reflect on their personal qualities and experiences. They will also apply positive psychology approach to address personal issues and develop the essential qualities as an effective practitioner.