Module Code 單元編號 |
PFS6076 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
Across the globe, higher education reforms have been commonly brought forth in a finance-driven form - with the themes of cost efficiency, better performance, international competitiveness, innovation, marketisation and entrepreneurialism. The rise and global prevalence of academic entrepreneurialism is seen as an imperative force that drives higher education change and exerts long-term impact on the transformation of the social institution of universities worldwide. By “academic entrepreneurialism”, it refers to the phenomenon that universities are willing to seek to capitalise new opportunities, manage risks and maximise revenues, reputation, or human capital by responding to the demands for education, research and knowledge solutions in the knowledge society and economy, as well as developing new markets for their knowledge-based services and goods. Universities, as socially distinctive organisations, are knowledge-forming, flexible and “learning”, comprehensive and multi-functional, self-reproducing (through doctoral education especially), resilience to changes, challenges or even critics. The University as an innovative learning organisation ever learns, adapts, evolves and moves forward, onwards and upwards. Cross-sectoral and interprofessional learning, collaborations and knowledge exchange are central to institutional advancement and professional development of practitioners in the 21st century’s universities. “Academic entrepreneurialism” is concerned more about universities generating activities than resources acquisition with perspectives which embrace “knowledge travel” across the epistemological and the ontological and time horizon that is by and large in the future. This course engages with students to understand higher education change in the context of academic entrepreneurialism and global inequalities, as well as consider their professional development through mentorship, reflections, academic advising and conceptualisation of academic entrepreneurialism. There are two pathways for students to choose: (1) mentorship and (2) academic advising. For pathway (1), students will be assigned a mentor to experience the working environment and identify and explore their career development goals and pathways. Course lecturer will offer structure of mentorship, guidance for formative professional reflections and advising for conceptualisation of your professional development. For pathway (2), students need to have an initial research idea about higher education change in academic entrepreneurialism. They will find an academic professional and work with her/him to formulate a significant research problem by robust literature review, select an appropriate research method, and work towards a research proposal. |