Module Code 單元編號 |
PFS6072 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
Critically reading and evaluating educational research and communicating within the field through academic writing are essential capacities of students and scholars in global higher education. This course aims to prepare and enable students as initiate thinkers and communicators in the field by enhancing their abilities to identify, understand and examine relevant educational research literature, and express themselves through scholarly writing in relation to key topics and issues in higher education. The course explores good practices in conducting academic research and writing, including how to identify and assess research literature and conduct literature reviews, how to develop scholarly voice in academic writing, how to cite references and use past research effectively, and how to assess and develop research claims based on different orientations to theory and methodology. This is a reading and writing intensive course focused on skills for effectively engaging in academic study and communication. As such, it will benefit students in their coursework throughout the programme and in their future scholarly endeavours. |