Module Code 單元編號 |
GEM1035 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
This course aims to create a learning opportunity for students to reflect on the real-life experiences of people in different life circumstances in the community and cultivate positive life values and attitudes related to Chinese culture and history like filial piety, for example. Students will experience a different learning process by adopting a narrative approach to understanding experiences. Through reflections on both the stories collected and their own experiential learning experiences, students will begin to make meanings and construct their own philosophy of life. During the course, students will construct personal learning experience by participating in service learning scheduled in a variety of organisations, such as Homes for the Elderly, sports teams for the blind, and minorities within the local community. They are expected to learn from different people’s life stories by establishing a trustful relationship with people in need of their service. Through providing service and building personal connections, students will learn to show their care and concern. Students will also listen and learn from the stories of people with different backgrounds and life experiences. |