Module Code 單元編號 |
GEL2007 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
Librarians have a core role in cultivating information literacy in information-rich societies in the 21st Century. Libraries are no longer just a place for borrowing books, but a beacon in the school communities to promote the ability to effectively locate, evaluate, and use needed information for people’s life-long learning purposes. Particularly, in the context of school education, teacher librarians in Hong Kong have effectively developed multiple roles (e.g. reading coordinator, information specialist, teaching partner, and curriculum resources facilitator), in close partnership with subject teachers to support various curriculum reforms, and equip skills to learn how to learn (Curriculum Development Council, 2017, Booklet 10, p9-25). This course aims at inspiring students to appreciate the irreplaceable work of libraries particularly in schools, and exploring how such services nurture school children’s information literacy, as well as reading and enquiry learning habits. The course focuses on creating partnerships and developing new roles for local school libraries in the 21st Century. After receiving a briefing on key concepts, students will be given the opportunity to observe and then as ‘co-educators’, to work in close partnership with teacher librarians in schools (e.g. promoting reading, preparing library lessons, organising activities to cultivate information literacy). A reflective approach will be embedded in the course activities to raise awareness to the value of ‘Reading to Learn’ as an approach to ‘Learning to Learn’, as well as that of collaborating with different local school libraries to initiate and/or cultivate new modes of life-long learning in the 21st Century. |