Module Code 單元編號 |
GEK1010 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
This course will help students understand what positive emotions are and how positive emotions affect behaviors, equip students to become engines of growth. The course will be divided into two parts. In the first part, we will introduce students to a diverse array of theoretical perspectives related to the study of positive emotions. We will address questions such as: What are our positive emotions? What purpose do they serve? How do our emotions relate to what we think, how we behave, and how we live our lives? In the second part of the course, we will focus on how to manage our emotions to provide students with scientifically-tested means for improving their emotions. Students will be expected to examine and improve their emotions by participating in a variety of self-assessment exercises. Teaching and learning activities will be designed to help students develop their positive emotions at work, school, home, and their relationships. 本課程幫助學生了解甚麼是正向情緒以及如何處理這些情緒,和理解正向情緒如何影響行為,及如何裝備自己成為正向情緒推動者。本課 程分為兩個部分。第一部份,會介紹各種與人類情緒研究相關的理論觀點,包括研討情緒是甚麼?正向情緒的作用是甚麼?情緒與個體的 想法、行為和生活方式有甚麼關係?第二部份,會聚焦如何處理自己的情緒,尤其是利用正向情緒,相關的研究及提供具科學驗證的方法 來改善個人自己的情緒。同時透過參與各種自我評估的活動,藉此檢視和增進個人的正向情緒。課程中所設計的教與學活動旨在協助參與 者在工作丶學校丶家庭和人際關係中如何應用自己的正向情緒。 |