Module Code 單元編號 |
CIV8003 |
Module Title 單元名稱 |
Module Synopsis 單元概要 |
Civic and citizenship education is multidimensional. It can be the subject of government policy, academic theorizing and scholarship, organizational level decision making, classroom practice as well as the actions of individuals in the community. Policy is a key tool for governments seeking to bring about wide-ranging changes in every area of public policy making. Organizations such as schools and businesses identify the value of ‘good citizens’ both to their daily operations and to society as a whole. Classrooms are the incubators for learning about civic understandings, values and actions. Communities are the sites of civic action and play a vital role in relation to both governments and contexts in which they operate. Researchers see these multiple areas as important domains for systematic inquiry in order to develop new knowledge, exert an influence on policy and practice and expand the horizons of the field. This course will provide opportunities for analyzing different modes of research in civic and citizenship education, their application to specific researchable questions, and the identification of new research questions relevant to the field and to participants. It will involve a consideration of the relationship between theory and research and the ways in which each can enhance the other. |