Students’ comments
1. I have a better understanding of the different
requirements of IELTS writing.
2. The wordings in the IELTS writing descriptors make more
sense to me now.
3. The writing exemplars provided in the
workshop/consultation help me understand the different
requirements of IETLS writing.
4. The analysis of the writing exemplars during the
workshop/consultation helps me understand the different
requirements of IELTS writing.
5. The instruction of the tutor during the
workshop/consultation helps me understand the different
requirements of IELTS writing.
6. The question-and-answer dialogues between the tutor and
the student during the workshop/consultation help me
understand the different requirements of IELTS writing.
7. The use of writing exemplars helps me understand the
differences between high, average, and low performances in
IELTS writing.
8. In general, I think using exemplars in writing
instruction is effect.
9. I would like teachers to use writing exemplars in writing
10. I would like to use writing exemplars for my self-study
to improve my writing.
11. I would like to review and study writing exemplars