Unit 9 Transportation 


  1. To recognize and pronounce Cantonese words with the initials [b], [d], [t], [y], [ch];
  2. To recognize and pronounce Cantonese words with the finals [e], [eui], [o], [aat], [ei];
  3. To use simple Cantonese vocabulary and expressions to describe transportation.

Warm up   Work together.

  • How do you call the waiter who works in a Chinese restaurant?
  • Have you been to the Chinese restaurant? What did you order?


Sentence structure

Auxiliary – AV (S AV V O)

Common auxiliary verbs: seung2 (want), ho2 yi5 (can), jung1 yi3 (like), yiu3 (need), sik1 (know).

You can take the No.271 bus.


[nei5 ho2 yi5 daap3 yi6 chat1 yat1 hou6 ba1 si6.]

I want to go to Taipo Centre.


[ngo5 seung2 heui3 daai6 bou3 jung1 sam1.]

You can pay by Octopus card.


[nei5 ho2 yi5 yung6 baat3 daat6 tung1 bei2 chin2.]

Conversation   Practice with a partner.

Scene: Sally is teaching Linda how to go to Taipo Centre.

Linda: I want to go to Taipo Centre. Do you know which number bus can I take?


   [ngo5 seung2 heui3 daai6 bou3 jung1 sam1, nei5 ji1 ng4 ji1 daap3 gei2 do1 hou6 ba1 si6 a3?]

Sally: You can take the No.271 bus.


    [nei5 ho2 yi5 daap3 yi6 chat1 yat1 hou6 ba1 si2.]

Linda: Where do I get off?


    [ngo5 ho2 yi5 hai2 bin1 dou6 lok6 che1?]

Sally: You can get off at the fifth stop.


    [nei5 ho2 yi5 hai2 dai6 ng5 go3 jaam6 lok6 che1.]

Linda: How should I pay?


   [dim2 yeung6 maai5 fei1 ga3?]

Sally: You can pay by Octopus card.


   [nei5 ho2 yi5 yung6 baat3 daat6 tung1 bei2 chin2.]


  1. Can you say the following words in Cantonese – ‘stop, please’?

  2. Do you know which transport you can take in order to go to Taipo center?

  3. Do you need to ‘maai5 fei1’ if you want to take the school bus?

  4. Make Cantonese sentences with your own choice of words following the pattern:

    I go to ___________ by ___________.

    e.g. I go to Mongkok by train.

    [ngo5 daap3 fo2 che1 heui3 Wong6 Gok3.]

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