Unit 3 Introducing Oneself 


  1. To recognize and pronounce Cantonese words with the initials [b], [d], [m], [t], [y];
  2. To recognize and pronounce Cantonese words with the finals [e], [ei], [eui], [o], [ok];
  3. To use simple Cantonese vocabulary and expressions in introducing oneself.

Warm up   Work together.

  • Can you say ‘nei5 hou2 ma1?’ to classmates?

Vocabulary   Read the words in Cantonese together.

Sentence Structure

Choice – type questions

S Verb [m4] (not) Verb [ga3]? or S Adj [m4] (not )Adj [ga3]?

Are you going to library?

(You go not go to library?)


[nei5 heui3 m4 heui3 tou4 syu1 gun2?]

Is she beautiful?

(She beautiful not beautiful ga3?)


[keui5 leng3 m4 leng3 ga3?]

Do you live alone?


[nei5 hai6 m4 hai6 ji6 gei2 jyu6 ga3?]

Do you like singing?


[nei5 jung1 m4 jung1 yi3 cheung3 go1 a3?]

Are you a teacher?


[nei5 hai6 m4 hai6 lou5 si1 lei4 ga3?]

Conversation   Practice with a partner.

Scene: Sally is introducing herself to Linda.

Linda: Sally, What do you like to do in spare time?

   Sally, 你得閒鍾意做咩㗎?

   [Sally, nei5 dak1 haan4 jung1 yi3 jou6 me1 ga3?]

Sally: I like to go shopping and sing karaoke.


   [ngo5 jung1 yi3 haang4 gaai1 tung4 maai4 cheung3 ka1 laai1 o k.]

Linda: I like to go swimming and watch film.


   [ngo5 jung1 yi3 yau4 seui2 tung4 maai4 tai2 hei3.]

Sally: Do you live alone?


   [nei5 hai6 mai6 ji6 gei2 jyu6 ga3?]

Linda: No, I live with my dad, mum, elder brother and younger sister.


   [m4 hai6, ngo5 tung4 ba4 ba1, ma4 ma1, go4 go1 tung4 sai3 mui2 yat1 chai4 jyu6.]

Sally: I also have five family members at home.


   [ou3! ngo5 uk1 kei2 dou1 hai6 yau5 ng5 go3 yan4 ga3.]

Discussion    Ask your partner(s) these questions. Ask follow-up questions!

  1. Can you tell your partner about your hobby or the things that you like to do in spare time?

  2. How many family members do you have? Who are they? Can you tell your partner?

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