Common Concerns over Education Reforms

Please express your views. Thank you!


(Draft translated from the Chinese version)

The 1st Hong Kong School Principalsˇ¦ Conference was held on 19 March 2004. Over one thousand school principals and leaders of local secondary schools and primary schools participated in the conference. At the Policy Forum session, speakers and participants summarized the results of discussion and exchange during the conference and concluded by drawing up a list of common concerns over ongoing education reforms and implementation strategies for future development. They also asked that this list be widely disseminated to all Hong Kong educators and those concerned for further constructive discussion and debate.

We believe, your valuable responses and opinions will contribute greatly to the development of local education.

(For papers of the Conference, please visit the web-site at

Common Concerns over Education Reforms

With regard to ongoing education reforms in Hong Kong, we have common concerns related to three major aspects: the teaching profession, the education environment and the formulation and implementation of reform policy.

(1) The Teaching Profession

Areas of Affirmation: the professionalism of the teaching profession can be claimed as one major achievement of education reforms in recent years.

Areas of Concern:ˇE

  • No proper respect of or protection for the professionˇ¦s image & status, which have been greatly damaged in the process of education reforms in recent years.
  • No prioritization of the various new measures in education reform; requesting teachers and schools to implement all; thus leading to sharp increase in workload and low morale.
  • With every school working to bring forth ˇ§innovationsˇ¨ amidst the already excessively heavy workload, it is difficult to proceed with proper teaching and professional practice.

Actions Requested ˇV the authorities and the teaching profession should cooperate:-

  • To work on a series of policies and measures promptly so as to solve the structural bottleneck problem, and to alleviate the excessively heavy workload. To stop those policies that add difficulties to education, while working on measures that can both lessen the difficulties and ensure education quality.
  • To provide a comparatively secure and respectful environment, so that each and every teacher can concentrate on their teaching.
  • To provide an intelligence-technology intensive and education knowledge intensive central platform so as to support the teaching and school-based management of all school practitioners. That would enable them to obtain the latest expert knowledge and technical support for their endeavours in achieving innovation and improvement.


(2) The Education Environment

Areas of Affirmation: Considerable resources have been put into education reforms (e.g. professional development for principals and teachers, NET scheme, development grant for schools).

Areas of Concern:-

  • High-profile publicizing issues, like LPAT failing rate, posting school assessment results on the web, has resulted in demand for ˇ§non-professionalˇ¨ accountability to the media. That has even led to irrational societal phenomenon of schools and teachers being besieged.
  • Reinforcing the negative image of schools and teachers.
  • Reinforcing the misunderstanding of parents and the public related to education, thus further undermining their confidence in schools and teachers.

Actions Requested ˇV the authorities and the teaching profession should cooperate:-

  • To establish long-term policies and concrete measures promptly so as to enhance the image and status of the teaching profession.
  • To conduct community projects for parents and the public, so as to strengthen the confidence of parents and the community towards education.
  • To extend the alliance and partnership network of education for implementing education reforms and strengthening the professional status of teachers.



(3) The Formulation and Implementation of Education Reform Policies

Areas of Affirmation: leaders and policy-makers at different levels of education reform are very sincere and hard-working.

Areas of Concern:

  • Lack of thorough consultation with frontline workers prior to deciding on and implementing new measures in education reform. That has been leading to disassociation among measures, goals and reality in education, causing great disturbance to schools and teachers.
  • Information on education reform is not communicated directly to schools. Messages delivered via the media can be confusing, causing disturbance to schools.
  • Lack of prioritization among different new measures in education reform, while some are contradictory to the others, causing disturbance to schools.

Actions Requested ˇV the authorities and the teaching profession should cooperate:-

  • To ensure greater professionalism in the leadership of education reform. Decision making in education reform should be based on professional knowledge and wide consultation among frontline colleagues.
  • To provide a comprehensive, systematic and long term knowledge foundation for decision making as well as for public discussion on education.
  • To set up an ˇ§Education Reform Review Committeeˇ¨ promptly, so as:-
    a) To conduct a comprehensive assessment and in-depth review of the prevailing education reform and to reorient it if needed.
    b) To re-assess and review the existing circumstances of education in Hong Kong; and to conduct in-depth analysis of the structural bottleneck and difficulties. Also, to evaluate existing and foreseeable crises and work on corresponding strategies.
    c) To conduct a comprehensive review of the existing and coming policies or initiatives in education reform in relation to their relative urgency, priority, scale and cost-effectiveness.

19 March 2004

Note: This list does not represent the views of any institutions organizing this conference.


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Last Revised: 30 March 2004. The views expressed at the Conference and at this website do not represent the views of The Hong Kong Institute of Education nor its management. The Hong Kong Institute of Education will not be liable for any claims, demands and damages arising from or in connection with the expression or publication of such views.