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Staff Professional Workshop on "Effective Lesson Observation and Evaluation" for Ning Po No.2 College


Ms Leung Kit Yan conducted a workshop on "Effective Lesson Observation and Evaluation" for around 60 teachers of Ning Po No.2 College on 9 April, 2024. The speaker introduced to teachers the purposes of lesson observation, observation and evaluation models from different regions in Asia, the observation cycle, and evaluation meeting techniques. This includes how to record lesson evidence during observations, elements of effective evaluation meetings, and the five feedback steps in evaluation meetings. Moreover, the speaker used a fifteen-minute lesson clip and two simulated scenarios, allowing teachers to practice the skills of evaluation meetings by playing the roles of observers and the observed. Participants expressed that the workshop used various regional observation formats as examples to enhance their understanding of lesson evaluation, while role-playing deepened the application of their observation and evaluation skills.