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Professional Development Workshop on “Effective Instructional Design” for Wong Tai Sin Catholic Primary School


A Staff Professional Workshop on “Effective Instructional Design” conducted by Miss Jannie Tsang, Project consultant of Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), was held on 15 December, 2023 for approximately 50 teachers of Wong Tin Sin Catholic Primary School.

The two-hour workshop covered the relevant theories of instructional design, the crucial elements of a lesson plan, and possible ways of catering for learner diversity illustrated with authentic examples. The significance of precise intended learning outcomes which gave teachers the direction how the lesson could be designed was discussed. A case study was shared showing how relevant “values and attitudes” with the topic to be taught could be embedded in the lesson design. Teachers were then engaged in designing lessons with emphasis on the constructive alignment of the intended learning outcomes, scaffolding activities, and assessment tasks. Their teaching ideas were shared on Padlet for feedback. The teacher participants commented that the workshop was practical and had given them insight into integrating different components in their lesson design.