

Citizenship Education Resources

Chinese website

Moral, Ideological, and Political Education in China 中國思想政治教育

Alliance of Civic Education 公民教育聯席

National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Civic Education and Leadership 國立台灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系

Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education 公民教育委員會

Moral and Civic Education, Education Bureau (The Government of the HKSAR) 德育及公民教育(香港特別行政區政府 教育局)

HKEdCity.net 德育及公民教育網友園地



English website

The Active Citizenship Project, Southern Gippsland, Australia

Centre for Citizenship, Development and Human Rights, Deakin University, Australia

Civics and Citizenship Education, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relation

The American Forum for Global Education


National Council for the Social Studies, Maryland

Center for Civic Education, California, USA

The Character Education Partnership, USA

Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (EISA)

Global Citizen Project, Georgia, USA

Institute for citizenship, UK

Network for Citizenship and Democracy in Europe

The citizED, funded by the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), UK

Global Dimension, UK

The Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights, Directorate of Education, Council of Europe

Institute for Citizenship, UK

Citizenship Foundation, UK

Research Citizenship and human rights education,National foundation for Educational, UK

Citizenship Education Programme, Hansard Society

Background paper on Citizenship education in Canada, by Helen McKenzie (Research Branch, Library of Parliament, 1993) (Access from Depository Services Program, Government of Canada)


Legislative Council 立法會

HKU POP Site 香港大學民意網站

Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor 香港人權監察

Student Christian Movement of Hong Kong 香港基督徒學生運動

Hong Kong Christian Institute 香港基督徒學會

Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Cathoilc Diocese 香港天主教正義和平委員會

Asian Human Rights Commission 亞洲人權委員會

Hong Kong Secondary Students Union 香港中學生聯盟

Hong Kong Democratic Development Network 香港民主發展網絡

Human Developments Report, United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP)