
As of June 24, 2009, the Centre for Citizenship Education has been upgraded to the Institute-level Centre for Governance and Citizenship (http://www.ied.edu.hk/cgc/). 

The Centre for Governance and Citizenship (CGC) is an Institute-level research centre of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.  The Centre is committed to conducting interdisciplinary scholarly research and public discourse on governance issues and citizenship studies, including citizenship education.  It is dedicated to creating an active research platform whereby the themes of Governance and Citizenship can be brought together within an interactive and mutually reinforcing framework to pioneer a new research agenda that contributes toward theory building in “Governance and Citizenship” as a holistic concept.


在李榮安教授(前中心主任,直至 2005 年 8 月)、顧思滿教授(前中心主任,直至 2007 年 8 月)和徐葉慧蓮女士(前中心副主任, 2001-2005 )的帶領下,本中心於 1999 年 2 月成立。在 2005 年 9 月至 2007 年 8 月期間,顧思滿教授和梁恩榮博士擔任本中心主任。自 2007 年 9 月起,梁恩榮博士和方睿明博士擔任本中心主任。







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