

  • Radicals (Web resources)

    Radical is part of the online festival programme of SPARK 2021 hosted by British Council, and is a collaborative project between School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and Department of Cultural and Creative Arts at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) led by Dr Lee Cheng and Dr Hung Keung. Making use of the affordance and interactive characteristics of the internet space for public engagement in digital artmaking activities, the project team presents a web-based platform that allows anyone to 'draw' complex but imagery silhouettes with traditional English letters and Chinese radicals as the basic building blocks. 
  • BrainLand (VR Game)

    Designed for the rehabilitation training of the elderly and people with disabilities, this VR game provides a simulated learning environment for players to develop their motor, cognitive and life skills as well as express through artmaking within the playful experience. There are six rooms in BrainLand, each of them comes with different activities targeting the development of the aforesaid attributes.


  • e-Orch (iPadOS App)

    e-Orch is one of the best music-making companions. Check out the award-winning Grid Notation, which makes music score-reading the easiest ever. Make music with various interface that is personalised for your use. Shape your music with the Expression Grid with simple finger gestures. Jam with your family and friends like a pro. Record and share your fantastic music performance with just a tap.


  • 画说 TELLS (Zine)

    2020年出版的「画说」为 Lab C 一个全新的计划,是一本「用画作来说故事」的插画书,也是一个展现学生艺术创作能力,让更多的读者认识他们的平台。书中的每一期,都会集合学生创作的插画作品,以及日常的文字分享,为学校和社区带来新的文化与艺术资讯。

    2020年出版的「画说」为 Lab C 一个全新的计划,是一本「用画作来说故事」的插画书,也是一个展现学生艺术创作能力,让更多的读者认识他们的平台。书中的每一期,都会集合学生创作的插画作品,以及日常的文字分享,为学校和社区带来新的文化与艺术资讯。

  • Live Coding with Sonic Pi (Web resources)

    This live coding module aims to develop learners’ knowledge and skills of sound practice through live coding. It consists of 10 video lessons of 6 minutes each, using Sonic-Pi ( as the coding environment to deliver the teaching and learning content. After finishing this module, learners should be able to create and perform sonic works depicting various ambient sonic environments and soundscapes, and transfer the knowledge and skills learnt for furthering their sound practices in other platforms and art forms.

    This live coding module aims to develop learners’ knowledge and skills of sound practice through live coding. It consists of 10 video lessons of 6 minutes each, using Sonic-Pi ( as the coding environment to deliver the teaching and learning content. After finishing this module, learners should be able to create and perform sonic works depicting various ambient sonic environments and soundscapes, and transfer the knowledge and skills learnt for furthering their sound practices in other platforms and art forms.


  • A Mouthpiece with a Supporting Windway (Patent)

    This innovative mouthpiece, for which a PCT patent and a Japan Utility Model Patent are filed, is designed for musical instruments with a tubular structure, such as flutes, to (i) direct the air stream towards the blow edge of the flute’s top opening to exercise easy sound production; and (ii) enable players to position their chin and cover or partially cover the top opening to vary the effect of sound production – the “pitch bending effect”. This makes pitch bending possible in musical instruments, like recorders and flutes.

    This innovative mouthpiece, for which a PCT patent and a Japan Utility Model Patent are filed, is designed for musical instruments with a tubular structure, such as flutes, to (i) direct the air stream towards the blow edge of the flute’s top opening to exercise easy sound production; and (ii) enable players to position their chin and cover or partially cover the top opening to vary the effect of sound production – the “pitch bending effect”. This makes pitch bending possible in musical instruments, like recorders and flutes.


  • The Grid and Grid Notation for Music Education (Patent)

    The Grid Notation, for which a Hong Kong patent and a China patent are filed, is associated with an innovative music notation software programme, called The Grid. Using the grid to represent rhythm – solfège/letter names for pitch, colour for dynamics, and tailor-made symbols for articulation – lowers the barrier for music score reading and provides unlimited possibilities for music performance and composition under the tablet orchestra e-Orch setting.

    The Grid Notation, for which a Hong Kong patent and a China patent are filed, is associated with an innovative music notation software programme, called The Grid. Using the grid to represent rhythm – solfège/letter names for pitch, colour for dynamics, and tailor-made symbols for articulation – lowers the barrier for music score reading and provides unlimited possibilities for music performance and composition under the tablet orchestra e-Orch setting.


  • ARchi HK (iOS & Android App)

    This mobile app is intended for the public and students to appreciate modern architectural heritage in Hong Kong, mainly those built from the 1920s-1950s. Primarily developed to enhance the field trip experience for university students, it also embodies augmented reality (AR) and GPS locations so all public users can easily locate neighbouring sites of modern architectural heritage around them and appreciate their historical, social and aesthetic contexts in a user-friendly way. The mobile app will therefore construct knowledge actively through negotiation with the buildings and heritage sites and aim at enhancing awareness and understanding towards modern architecture in Hong Kong.

    This mobile app is intended for the public and students to appreciate modern architectural heritage in Hong Kong, mainly those built from the 1920s-1950s. Primarily developed to enhance the field trip experience for university students, it also embodies augmented reality (AR) and GPS locations so all public users can easily locate neighbouring sites of modern architectural heritage around them and appreciate their historical, social and aesthetic contexts in a user-friendly way. The mobile app will therefore construct knowledge actively through negotiation with the buildings and heritage sites and aim at enhancing awareness and understanding towards modern architecture in Hong Kong.


  • 虚拟实境及沉浸式空间实践 (Web resources)

    The rapid development of virtual reality (VR) and immersive technology has made available many applications in entertainment, health care and medical, education and training, architectural and urban design, and creative arts that were not possible before. Immersive products have been more accessible in the market, and more people could be able to participate in the development and creation of immersive artefacts through software platforms and affordable hardware. This course provides basic understanding and skills training for immersive development and application. 

    The rapid development of virtual reality (VR) and immersive technology has made available many applications in entertainment, health care and medical, education and training, architectural and urban design, and creative arts that were not possible before. Immersive products have been more accessible in the market, and more people could be able to participate in the development and creation of immersive artefacts through software platforms and affordable hardware. This course provides basic understanding and skills training for immersive development and application. 

  • 艺术评赏教与学 (Web resources)

    Based on the results obtained from the GRF project, a website has been created to consolidate and organize the materials accumulated and transfer the knowledge created for the use of teachers in schools. The website ‘Learning and Teaching Art Criticism’ contains unit plans, explanations, readings, video clips and student art criticism essays. The website has successfully served as a platform to disseminate GRF project results, build up learning and teaching resources in art criticism and form a Community of Practice for future research and impact enhancement. 

    Based on the results obtained from the GRF project, a website has been created to consolidate and organize the materials accumulated and transfer the knowledge created for the use of teachers in schools. The website ‘Learning and Teaching Art Criticism’ contains unit plans, explanations, readings, video clips and student art criticism essays. The website has successfully served as a platform to disseminate GRF project results, build up learning and teaching resources in art criticism and form a Community of Practice for future research and impact enhancement. 

  • STEAM Education in Music: Research, Teaching Design and Resources (Teaching manual)

    The Hong Kong government, local schools and institutions substantially needs to promote STEAM (STEM + Arts) education to nurture students' creativity, collaboration and problemsolving skills through the integration of academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This publication aims to share research findings on the implementation of an innovative STEAM course and to provide teaching manual exemplars and resources for in-service music teachers in conducting STEAM activities in classroom music. 

    The Hong Kong government, local schools and institutions substantially needs to promote STEAM (STEM + Arts) education to nurture students' creativity, collaboration and problemsolving skills through the integration of academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This publication aims to share research findings on the implementation of an innovative STEAM course and to provide teaching manual exemplars and resources for in-service music teachers in conducting STEAM activities in classroom music. 


  • 粤剧生行身段要诀︰电脑化自动评估与学习系统 (Software)




  • VR戏曲动感体验展 (Web resources)

    Immersive video is a form of virtual reality (VR) that the viewer has control of the viewing direction within a 360-degree environment. A series of high-resolution Cantonese opera immersive videos containing both operatic singing and theatre works were produced, with the viewer’s point from the position of a first-row audience. It creates a new user experience to the audience, allowing them to reposition their visual and aural focus on individual parts or performers without physically present at the position. This allows anyone who never go to the theatre to have the similar experience attending a Cantonese opera performance. 

    Immersive video is a form of virtual reality (VR) that the viewer has control of the viewing direction within a 360-degree environment. A series of high-resolution Cantonese opera immersive videos containing both operatic singing and theatre works were produced, with the viewer’s point from the position of a first-row audience. It creates a new user experience to the audience, allowing them to reposition their visual and aural focus on individual parts or performers without physically present at the position. This allows anyone who never go to the theatre to have the similar experience attending a Cantonese opera performance. 


  • 香港粤剧 (Web resources)

    作为香港和南中国有代表性的表演艺术,粤剧在2009年获联合国教育科学和文化组织列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。虽然粤剧获得国际的认可,但是她在国际舞台的艺术地位仍有待加犟。香港教育大学文化与创意艺术学系矢志透过不同渠道促进粤剧的传承和发展,本学系制作香港粤剧 网站,旨在为国际受众以中英文提供有关粤剧的知识,希望能够促使国际观众对粤剧产生兴趣,并推动学者对粤剧开展更多的研究工作。本网站得以启动,有赖香港民政事务局粤剧发展基金和香港教育大学博文与社会科学学院资助,并获香港八和会馆协助,香港中文大学出版社和荣鸿曾教授惠赐版权,李奇峰先生为艺术顾问,特此鸣谢。

    作为香港和南中国有代表性的表演艺术,粤剧在2009年获联合国教育科学和文化组织列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。虽然粤剧获得国际的认可,但是她在国际舞台的艺术地位仍有待加犟。香港教育大学文化与创意艺术学系矢志透过不同渠道促进粤剧的传承和发展,本学系制作香港粤剧 网站,旨在为国际受众以中英文提供有关粤剧的知识,希望能够促使国际观众对粤剧产生兴趣,并推动学者对粤剧开展更多的研究工作。本网站得以启动,有赖香港民政事务局粤剧发展基金和香港教育大学博文与社会科学学院资助,并获香港八和会馆协助,香港中文大学出版社和荣鸿曾教授惠赐版权,李奇峰先生为艺术顾问,特此鸣谢。

  • i-Orchestra (iOS app)

    i-Orchestra 是一个为iPhone 及iPad所开发的流动应用程式,用作建立模拟管弦乐团的流动装置乐队。 每位乐手可以透过 i-Orchestra 及 MIDI 键盘模拟指定的管弦乐器演奏,再组合成一队模拟管弦乐团,并从中学习合奏技巧。相比于一般使用电子琴模拟管弦乐的乐队,i-Orchestra 具有更佳的流动性,以及提供学习运用流动音乐科技的机会,适合于学校环境中让学生于参与乐团演奏的同时学习更多音乐及科技知识。

    i-Orchestra 是一个为iPhone 及iPad所开发的流动应用程式,用作建立模拟管弦乐团的流动装置乐队。 每位乐手可以透过 i-Orchestra 及 MIDI 键盘模拟指定的管弦乐器演奏,再组合成一队模拟管弦乐团,并从中学习合奏技巧。相比于一般使用电子琴模拟管弦乐的乐队,i-Orchestra 具有更佳的流动性,以及提供学习运用流动音乐科技的机会,适合于学校环境中让学生于参与乐团演奏的同时学习更多音乐及科技知识。


  • i-learning: Using iPad to compose music for secondary school students in Hong Kong (Web resources)

    The objective of this project is to develop a “comprehensive curriculum” using i-pad in music which is suitable for most of the music teachers and students in Hong Kong through an interactive web page to share teaching materials, scheme of works and videos from this project. During the session, students’ works and their learning experiences will be shared. Innovative pedagogy will be discussed in e-learning in music education in classroom teaching. 

    The objective of this project is to develop a “comprehensive curriculum” using i-pad in music which is suitable for most of the music teachers and students in Hong Kong through an interactive web page to share teaching materials, scheme of works and videos from this project. During the session, students’ works and their learning experiences will be shared. Innovative pedagogy will be discussed in e-learning in music education in classroom teaching. 

