The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

校長的話 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 9 Words of appreciation As the President, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Council Officers and Members, staff and students, alumni and friends of the University for making all the achievements and breakthroughs possible, especially against the backdrop of the pandemic. I would also like to thank outgoing Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Lui Tai-lok for his outstanding contributions to our research and knowledge transfer. Succeeding him is Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, who I am confident will add new impetus to our research excellence. While fulfilling our core mission in teacher education, I am pleased that the University has been making phenomenal progress in line with the priority areas outlined in the Strategic Plan 2016-2025. We will continue to expand our programme offerings and research capacity, under the Education-plus approach, to address educational and societal needs. Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President 不勝感激 疫情下,教大仍能屢創佳績,連番突破,實有賴校董會 主席及成員、教職員、學生、校友及各方友好的鼎力支 持。我謹此向他們致以由衷謝意。我亦感激卸任副校長 (研究與發展)一職的呂大樂教授;他任內在研究及知識 轉移方面,作出重大貢獻。我深信,接任的陳智軒教授 亦會為本校注入新動力,追求研究卓越。 教大於履行教師教育的核心使命的同時,一直按照《策 略發展計劃2016-2025》所勾劃的重要策略範疇穩步發 展,成績有目共睹。我們將繼續努力,拓展新課程與提 升研究實力,以回應學界與社會需求。 張仁良教授, SBS, JP, Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques 校長 New line-up of the senior management: (from left) Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, President Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, Vice President (Academic) and Provost Professor John Lee Chi-kin, Vice President (Administration) Ms Sarah Wong Man-yee 新管理團隊:(左起)副校長(研究與發展)陳智 軒教授、校長張仁良教授、學術及首席副校長 李子建教授,以及副校長(行政)黃敏兒女士