The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2020-2021

2020-2021年報 Annual Report

Vision and Mission 願景及使命 Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席前言 President’s Overview 校長的話 Awards and Achievements 獎項及成就 Facts and Figures 資料篇 Governance Report 管治報告 Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告 Statements of Financial Position 財務狀況表 Statements of Comprehensive Income 全面收益表 Organisational Structure 組織架構 Contents 目錄 2 10 20 26 32 72 4 42 76 6 44 77 78 Learning and Teaching Preparing for the Future 學與教 掌握機遇 籌謀未來 Research and Knowledge Transfer Innovations Bearing Fruit 研究與知識轉移 日新又新 碩果纍纍 Community Partnership Narrowing the Gap 夥伴合作 因材施教 貢獻社群

Our vision We will further enhance our role as a leading university in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, with a focus on educational research, development and innovation. We will continue to raise our profile and impact locally, regionally and internationally through our high quality research and scholarship. We are committed to nurturing outstanding and caring educators and professionals who contribute constructively to sustainable social and economic development in Hong Kong and beyond. Our mission Committed to the Education-plus approach, our primary mission is to lead educational innovation, and to promote and support the strategic development of teaching, teacher education and disciplines complementary to education by preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals while supporting their lifelong learning. 願景 我們專注教育領域的研究、發展及創新,並進一步加強 本校在亞太地區及以外的先導地位,藉著高質素的研究 及學術發展,持續提升在本地、區內與國際上的地位和 影響力。我們矢志培育出色、關懷社群的教育及專業人 士,為香港以至海外的社會經濟可持續發展作出貢獻。 使命 秉承「教育為本,超越教育」的理念,我們以帶領教育 創新為首要使命,藉著培育優秀而具道德承擔的教育及 專業人士,鼓勵其終身學習,推動及支持教學、教師教 育及教育相關學科的策略發展。 Vision and Mission 願景及使命

香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 3 We will: • provide a multidisciplinary learning and research environment beyond education that is conducive to intellectual pursuits, free thinking and speech, advocacy of policy and practice, and the promotion of collaboration and diversity; • enhance professional teacher and teaching education programmes and programmes in disciplines complementary to education with innovative curricula which will enrich students’ experiences and enable them to realise their personal potential as well as their educational and career goals; • prepare our students to become educators and professionals who can integrate theory and practice, and who are creative, innovative, intellectually active, entrepreneurial, socially caring and globally aware; • foster a vibrant research culture and environment which contributes to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship and innovation, with a sustainable impact on social progress and human betterment; and • engage in knowledge transfer activities which contribute to the development of the University and the wider community while serving the needs of educational and social development locally, regionally and internationally. Our core values • Professionalism • Innovation • Moral responsibility • Societal caring • Global awareness 我們將會: • 提供教育以外的跨學科學習及研究環境,促進知識 追求、言論及思想自由、政策倡議及實踐,以及推 動協作及多元化發展; • 透過創新課程優化專業教師、教師教育,以及與教 育相關學科,豐富學生經歷,讓他們實現個人潛能 及其教育和事業上的抱負; • 培養學生成為教育及專業人士,並且能夠理論與實 踐並重、具有創意及創新思維、敏於思考、具企業 精神、關懷社會,以及放眼世界; • 建立活躍的研究文化和環境,促進知識增長、提升 學術成就及創新,為社會進步及改進人類生活帶來 可持續的影響;及 • 參與知識轉移活動,以促進本校及廣大社群的發 展,為本地、亞太區以至全球教育及社會發展的所 需服務。 核心價值 • 專業 • 創新 • 道德責任 • 社會關懷 • 全球觸覺

Chairman’s Foreword The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 4 Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席前言 Passion for education Education is essential for every one of us, and society has high expectations of teachers who educate our future generations not just by transmitting knowledge, but also in forming values. I am keenly aware of the unique role EdUHK plays in Hong Kong, given its strategic focus on teacher education and related disciplines. It is imperative that the University continues to hold steadfast to its core mission of nurturing prospective and in-service educators, generation after generation. Teaching is more than just a job. Teachers must be knowledgeable, passionate and inspirational. Above all, they are change agents and role models who should have a strong commitment to society and the country. I am pleased with the University’s recent revamp of its common core curriculum and graduate attributes, which place equal emphasis on professional excellence, moral values, integrity, and positivity. With the ample learning opportunities available during their university journey, EdUHK students can mature and grow personally, academically and professionally with these positive attributes and values. 教育熱誠 教育對任何人而言,不可或缺。社會對教師有殷切期 望,教師作育英才,不僅要為下一代傳遞知識,更要 建立其正確價值觀。我深明教大專注教師教育及相關 學科,在本港發揮著獨特的角色。我們必須堅守核心 使命,培訓準教師及在職教師,薪火相傳。教師不僅是 一份工作;他們必須知識淵博、熱衷教學,並能啟迪學 生。他們既是變革推動者,亦是學生的楷模,對社會和 國家更要有所承擔。我很欣喜,教大近年就共同核心課 程和畢業生素質作出革新,重視學生應有的專業卓越、 道德責任、個人操守和正向思維。我相信,教大學生在大 學修業期間將會不斷成長,藉著眾多學習機會,追求個 人、學術與專業卓越,建立正面價值觀及培養良好素質。 This is my first foreword as Council Chairman of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), a role that comes with great responsibility and commitment. I must pay tribute to all my predecessors at different stages of the University’s development for their exemplary contributions to the significant transformation and phenomenal growth of EdUHK. 這是我首次以香港教育大學(教大)校董會主席身分,撰寫年報前言。擔承 此職,深感任重道遠,在此必須感謝歷任主席在不同階段的非凡貢獻,引 領本校蛻變成長,發展一日千里。 A briefing for Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor (sixth from right) on the University’s research and knowledge transfer projects during her visit to the campus in July 2021 行政長官林鄭月娥女士(右六)於二零 二一年七月到訪教大,了解本校的研 究工作及知識轉移項目

校董會主席前言 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 5 成就斐然 毫無疑問,創造知識與傳播學問,同為大學核心使命。 教大自正名以來,在研究及知識轉移方面,成績斐然。 除研究表現出眾外,本校學者還致力將學術成果轉化 為教育創新及研發,提升學與教及相關領域的素質, 令人鼓舞。在「教育為本,超越教育」的理念下,教大 積極拓闊研究領域,涵蓋:心理學、環境保育、地球及 自然科學、語言學及電腦科學等,營造學術氛圍,充滿 朝氣,有利促進研究卓越。 展望將來,我期望教大可以繼續發揮所長,貢獻本地學 界,並加強支援一帶一路沿線等境外地區的教師發展, 提升區內教研實力。憑藉本校的專業知識及成功經驗, 我們正致力與不同地區及國際機構加強協作,結成夥 伴,共同推動教育改革,提升發展中國家的教師發展。 衷心致謝 作為大學的新成員,我期盼在未來的日子裡,能與各持 份者會面交流。我更藉此機會,衷心感謝離任的校董會 成員:馬時亨教授、趙麗娟女士、招祥麒博士、霍經麟 先生、潘永潔醫生、呂大樂教授、鄭雅儀博士及黃泳其 小姐。他們在任時為本校提供許多寶貴建議,貢獻良 多。同時,我亦在此歡迎新任成員:廖達賢先生、邱少 雄先生、楊全盛先生、楊燕芝女士、楊立偉教授、陳智 軒教授、朴宰亨博士和楊逸銘先生。我深信,大家同心 協力,教大定可在重要策略範疇再創高峰,邁向全新里 程。 黃友嘉博士, GBS, JP 校董會主席 Impressive achievements It goes without saying that knowledge creation and dissemination are central to the University’s mission. What EdUHK has achieved in terms of research and knowledge transfer since its retitling has been remarkable. In addition to our robust research performance, it is gratifying to see the translation of our scholarly output into educational innovation and inventions, which has brought about tangible advances in learning, teaching and related areas. Under the Education-plus approach, we have expanded our scope to cover new and emerging disciplines, including psychology, environmental conservation, earth and physical sciences, linguistics and computer studies. This has, in turn, fostered a more vibrant and dynamic environment that is conducive to research excellence. Moving forward, it is my hope that the University can make even greater contributions to the local school sector while supporting teacher development and capacity building outside Hong Kong, especially in Belt and Road countries. With our track record and expertise, we are striving to become a partner with more regional and international organisations in driving educational reform and teaching enhancement in developing economies. Vote of thanks As a new member of the University, I look forward to meeting and exchanging views with our stakeholders in the days ahead. I would like to express my gratitude to the outgoing Council Officers and Members, Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, Ms Susanna Chiu Lai-kuen, Dr Chiu Cheung-ki, Mr Glenn Fok, Dr Grace Poon Wing-kit, Professor Lui Tailok, Dr Irene Cheng Nga-yee, and Miss Kris Wong Wing-ki, for their wise counsel and invaluable input during their terms. Meanwhile, I wish to welcome Mr Kennedy Liu Tat-yin, Mr Yau Siu-hung, Mr Eric Yeung Chuensing, Ms Jennifer Yeung Yin-chi, Professor Ben Young, Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, Dr Park Jae Hyung, and Mr Yeung Yat-ming, who have joined the Council as new Members. Working together with concerted efforts, I have every confidence that we can scale new heights in our key strategic areas and reach new milestones. Dr DavidWong Yau-kar, GBS, JP Chairman of the Council

President’s Overview The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 6 President’s Overview 校長的話 Preparing for the future of education Technology has a profound impact on learning and teaching, unleashing new possibilities and opportunities for educators. It is also indispensable for our younger generations in coping with an ever-changing world. Investing in educational technology is investing in our future. To this end, we kicked off a forward-looking ‘Future Classrooms’ project that integrates technology, pedagogy and learning. Our ultimate goal is to promote a new concept of classroom teaching in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. On talent development, we took steps to equip prospective and in-service teachers with the necessary technological competency, so that they could become effective learning facilitators, ready to embrace different types of technology in the digital era, be they artificial intelligence (AI), educational technology or art technology. I am pleased with the introduction of AI into related BEd programmes, along with the provision of coding and STEM education for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. 迎接未來教育 科技發展釋放新潛能與新機遇,為學與教帶來深遠影 響。對年輕一代而言,要在瞬息萬變的世代立足,科技 素養更是必不可少。投放資源於教育科技,就是投資未 來。有鑑於此,本校已開展具前膽性的「未來教室」計 劃,將創新科技、教學法與學習等元素,共冶一爐。最 終目的是把這套嶄新的課堂理念,推廣至幼稚園及中小 學。而在人才培育方面,本校亦積極按部就班地提升準 教師與在職教師的資訊科技能力,讓他們能充分掌握數 碼世代下不同類型的新興科技,不論是人工智能、教育 科技,還是藝術科技等,以成為高效能的教育促進者。 因此,本校在教育學士課程加入人工智能元素,並於各 級課程提供編程與STEM教學等培訓,予修讀學士、碩 士與博士課程的學生選讀。 It gives me great pleasure to present the Overview for 2020-21, a year in which we made great strides on various fronts, including educational innovation and inventions, research output and impact, and international acclaim, notably with a record high of 29 prestigious awards garnered around the globe in recognition of our inventions in education, language and linguistics, and environmental conservation. 這是教大二零二零至二一年度的發展匯報。我萬分欣慰,過去一年我們在 教育創新與發明、研究成果與影響,以及國際聲譽等領域,均表現超卓, 碩果纍纍;尤其,本校在世界各地贏取了二十九個國際發明殊榮,涵蓋: 教育、語文及語言學,以及環境保育等創新研發,寫下佳績。

校長的話 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 7 New series of the Animated Chinese History for Curious Minds Project launched in July 2021 教大於二零二一年七月推出新一輯「看動畫•學歷史」 教材 World-class research and international recognition Part of our core mission is to make a positive impact on the school sector and the wider community, through knowledge creation and transfer. Our efforts paid off during the reporting year with many of our research projects bearing fruit. Particularly encouraging was the University’s impressive performance in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 conducted by the University Grants Committee (UGC). Covering the research output of the eight UGC-funded universities in the past six years, the RAE 2020 was considered the most comprehensive assessment of the local research community. Many of our submissions in education, earth science, geography, Chinese language and literature, and psychology, were judged to be “World Leading” or “Internationally Excellent”. The RAE results represented an affirmation of our Educationplus approach and testimony to the world-class standing of our research since our retitling in 2016. On research funding, we continued to rank first in education in the General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme. Our publications were widely cited in academia, with 23 EdUHK scholars named among the world’s top two per cent most-cited scientists by Stanford University. In the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by Subject 2021, EdUHK was ranked 3rd in Asia and 16th in the world in education. The year also witnessed the official launch of the World Bank-funded project in Cambodia, in partnership with five leading Cambodian universities, to enhance the quality of higher education teaching in the country. This is the second World Bank project the University has undertaken following the Vietnam project, which commenced in 2017. 世界頂尖研究 國際認許 教大的核心使命之一,正是創造及轉移知識,藉以貢 獻學界及廣大社群。年內,本校多個研究範疇成果輝 煌,備受認同。在大學教育資助委員會(教資會)進行 的「2020年研究評審工作」中,本校成績斐然,尤其令 人振奮。是次評審,涵蓋八所公帑資助大學過去六年的 研究表現,可說是本地學術界研究方面最全面的綜合評 估。教大提交的研究項目,大多獲評為「世界領先」或 「國際卓越」水平,包括:教育、地球科學、地理學、 中國語言及文學、心理學等學科。評審結果肯定了本校 「教育為本,超越教育」的方向,更見證了自二零一六 年正名為大學以來,本校的卓越研究表現,已達至世界 級水平。 研究撥款方面,本校在「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學 者計劃」教育學科範疇再佔鰲頭,撥款總額位列本地大 學之首。教大更有二十三名學者榮登史丹福大學全球首 2%科學家名單,反映他們的研究成果廣為學界引用。 而在二零二一年Quacquarelli Symonds世界大學學科排 名中,教大在教育領域名列亞洲第三與全球第十六。此 外,教大再獲世界銀行(世銀)委託,於年內開展與五所 柬埔寨公立高等學府的合作計劃,以提升當地高等教育 界的教研實力,是項計劃為教大繼二零一七年開展越南 項目後,與世銀再度合作。 Professor Cheung and Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin host an online meeting to welcome new students in August 2021 張教授聯同副校長(研究與發展)陳智軒教授於 二零二一年八月以線上形式歡迎新生

President’s Overview The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 8 Bridging the gap with community support As an educator, I recognise the importance of ensuring equal access to quality education, especially during the pandemic, in which the less privileged and students with special educational needs have been affected by the digital divide. We are most indebted to all donors and others for their generous support, which has enabled us to undertake a number of impactful projects in narrowing the worrying learning gap. In attracting over seven million hits in a matter of three years, the success of our Chinese history animation project points to the overwhelming demand for quality and enlivening e-learning materials. I applaud the tremendous effort of different cross-disciplinary teams in pioneering and delivering a series of online projects, covering mathematics, general studies, Chinese history, coding and life education, to support school children, teachers and parents. EdUHK has also partnered with the school sector to map out responses to a myriad of challenges posed by online and blended learning. The recently launched Kindergarten-Primary Bridging Project 360 is one example, and we are planning to launch a user-oriented online platform with quality subject-based contents. From concept to reality, there is no doubt that the development of the new platform calls for continued support, guidance and input from policymakers, school leaders and frontline teachers. 夥伴合作 縮減教育差距 我們從事教育,深明學生應享有平等而優質的教育機 會。疫情加深了數碼鴻溝,對低收入家庭及有特殊學習 需要的學童造成影響,情況令人擔憂。本校承蒙各界大 力支持和捐助,得以開展不同計劃,收窄學習差距。 本校推出的「看動畫•學歷史」線上教材系列,短短三 年間, 總瀏覽人次已累積逾七百萬。此系列的成功,反 映社會對具質素及生動的電子學習資源需求殷切。就 此,我由衷感謝各個跨學科團隊,在年內開發及製作一 系列線上教材,涵蓋數學、常識、中史、編程與生命教 育,以支援家長、教師與學童。 線上及混合式教學為教育界帶來種種挑戰,促使教大與 學校夥伴緊密合作,務求制定相應的解決方案。早前推 出的「幼小銜接360」計劃便是其中一例。此外,我們 正籌劃推出一個以用家主導的線上教學平台,提供以學 科為本的優質學習資源。由理念到實踐,在在需要決策 者、學界領袖與前線教師的不懈支持、指導和意見。 Professor Cheung meets with over 20 kindergarten principals and educational institution representatives in May 2021, to learn of the challenges and difficulties they have been facing during the pandemic 張教授於二零二一年五月與二十多名幼稚園校長及教育機構代表會面,了解他們在疫情期間面對的困難與挑戰

校長的話 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 9 Words of appreciation As the President, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Council Officers and Members, staff and students, alumni and friends of the University for making all the achievements and breakthroughs possible, especially against the backdrop of the pandemic. I would also like to thank outgoing Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Lui Tai-lok for his outstanding contributions to our research and knowledge transfer. Succeeding him is Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, who I am confident will add new impetus to our research excellence. While fulfilling our core mission in teacher education, I am pleased that the University has been making phenomenal progress in line with the priority areas outlined in the Strategic Plan 2016-2025. We will continue to expand our programme offerings and research capacity, under the Education-plus approach, to address educational and societal needs. Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, SBS, JP, Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques President 不勝感激 疫情下,教大仍能屢創佳績,連番突破,實有賴校董會 主席及成員、教職員、學生、校友及各方友好的鼎力支 持。我謹此向他們致以由衷謝意。我亦感激卸任副校長 (研究與發展)一職的呂大樂教授;他任內在研究及知識 轉移方面,作出重大貢獻。我深信,接任的陳智軒教授 亦會為本校注入新動力,追求研究卓越。 教大於履行教師教育的核心使命的同時,一直按照《策 略發展計劃2016-2025》所勾劃的重要策略範疇穩步發 展,成績有目共睹。我們將繼續努力,拓展新課程與提 升研究實力,以回應學界與社會需求。 張仁良教授, SBS, JP, Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques 校長 New line-up of the senior management: (from left) Vice President (Research and Development) Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, President Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, Vice President (Academic) and Provost Professor John Lee Chi-kin, Vice President (Administration) Ms Sarah Wong Man-yee 新管理團隊:(左起)副校長(研究與發展)陳智 軒教授、校長張仁良教授、學術及首席副校長 李子建教授,以及副校長(行政)黃敏兒女士

Preparing for the Future 掌握機遇 籌謀未來 Members of the cross-unit team driving the Future Classrooms project: (from left) Professor John Lee Chi-kin, Professor Kong Siu-cheung, Dr John Hui Yan-keung and Dr Sidney Cheng Po-ying 「未來教室」跨部門小組成員:(左起) 李子建教授、江紹祥教授、許仁強博 士和鄭保瑛博士 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 10

Learning and Teaching 學與教

Learning and Teaching: Preparing for the Future The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 12 年內,教大具前瞻性的「未來教室」計劃, 由規劃、落實至正式啟動,均如期展開。該 計劃結合創新科技、教學法與互動學習的元 素,建構屬於未來的教學實驗空間。此外, 本校今年亦邁進另一新里程,首度迎來持有 雙學位資格,主修創意文化與藝術或語文 研究的文學士及教育學士畢業生;而首批中 史、地理及科學的教育學士課程學生亦於 同年畢業。本校積極拓展與教育相輔相成的 學科領域,實踐「教育為本,超越教育」的 理念。 The period saw the planning, execution and launch of a forward-looking ‘Future Classrooms’ project, which aims at creating an experimental space, integrating technology, pedagogy and interactive learning. Another milestone was the graduation of the first cohort of BEd students with double degrees in creative arts and culture or language studies, as well as students majoring in Chinese history, geography and science. With the expanding scope of subject disciplines complementary to our expertise in education, the University has been moving forward in line with its Education-plus approach.

學與教:掌握機遇 籌謀未來 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 13 Unlocking possibilities in future education Designing a classroom that meets 21st century educational trends means more than just building a bricks-and-mortar facility. To this end, the University set up a cross-unit team to drive the Future Classrooms project, from pedagogical conceptualisation, technological integration to hardware design. A pilot – the Creative Lab – was completed in late 2018, followed by a University Grants Committee (UGC)- funded project which comprised seven modern learning spaces located at the Library, including the newly completed STEM Room. All the Future Classrooms are installed with high-end computers and state-of-the-art equipment such as virtual reality (VR) CAVE, VR treadmill, 3D printers and other STEMrelated resources. Different pedagogies and teaching modes can be supported through flexible classroom settings. These Future Classrooms aim to prepare EdUHK students’ readiness for learning and teaching in the digital era. 開啟未來教育之門 要設計配合廿一世紀教育需要的教室,著眼點不僅是新穎設計,而 是講求整體配套對學與教的提升。為此,本校設「未來教室」跨部 門小組,逐步構思教學法概念、科技融合到硬件設計等每個細節。 第一所先導未來教室「創作坊」早於二零一八年年底啟用。其後本 校獲大學教育資助委員會(教資會)資助,在圖書館內建設七所創意 學習空間,包括新近落成的「創科教室」。 所有「未來教室」均配置高端電腦及各類先進器材,例如:虛擬實 境(VR)CAVE、VR跑步機、3D打印機,以及其他STEM教學資源。「未 來教室」的設計注重靈活性,可支援不同教學法與學習模式,旨在 裝備教大學生應對數碼世代下學與教的工作。 e-Learning Studio at the Library 圖書館電子研習坊 Equipped with AI and high-performance technological resources, the newly launched AI Education Laboratory is fit for multiple learning and teaching purposes 新啟用的人工智能教育實驗室配備AI 及高效能科技設 施,可支援不同類型的教學用途

Learning and Teaching: Preparing for the Future The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 14 As a pilot scheme, principals, teachers and students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools have been invited to experience the new facilities and explore innovative pedagogical models for different subjects. The ultimate objective is to promote the new concept of classroom teaching to benefit the wider school sector. Hardware aside, EdUHK spared no effort to better prepare prospective teachers with artificial intelligence (AI) and digital competency. The University signed in November 2020 a memorandum of understanding with Microsoft Hong Kong, covering the integration of AI elements into the BEd (Mathematics) and BEd (Information and Communication Technology) programmes. Another key component was the introduction of two additional graduation pathways for all students, namely the Student Teacher Education programme and the AI Literacy programme. 本校更開展先導計劃,邀請幼稚園與中小學的校長、教師與學生親 臨體驗「未來教室」,為不同科目探索創新教學模式。長遠而言,教 大期望這套嶄新教學概念能遍傳學界,惠及莘莘學子。 硬件以外,本校對提升準教師的人工智能及數碼素養亦不遺餘力。 二零二零年十一月,教大與Microsoft香港簽訂合作備忘,於「數學 教育」及「資訊及通訊科技教育」學士課程中,加入人工智能元素。 此外,本校新增兩個選項讓學生完成資訊科技畢業要求測試,包括 「學生教師科技學習計劃」與「人工智能素養培育計劃」,供有關學 生選擇。 One of the Future Classrooms tailored for primary and secondary students 其中一間為中小學生而設的「未來教室」 November 2020 - The University announces a Memorandum of Understanding with Microsoft Hong Kong to better prepare prospective teachers with digital and technological skills 二零二零年十一月:教大宣布 與Microsoft香港簽訂合作備 忘,以提升準教師的數碼及科 技素養

學與教:掌握機遇 籌謀未來 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 15 Professional excellence and ethical responsibility Under the new common core curriculum, the University continues to review and update the General Education domain to broaden students’ perspectives and multiple thinking skills in understanding real-life issues, which transcends the boundaries of disciplinary knowledge. There was also a new minor in promoting creative teaching and learning in classroom settings. Additionally, all BEd students admitted since the 2019 academic year are required to complete a Field Experience Foundation Course with particular emphasis on teachers’ morality, professional values and conduct, legal knowledge and compliance. The course has been developed in alignment with the standards recommended by the Education Bureau’s Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals. The University also launched a new website on the code of conduct and professional ethics required of teachers, with guidelines on professional attributes, work attitudes and required skill sets. 專業卓越 道德責任 在新的共同核心課程下,本校一直檢視及更新大學通識教育課程內 容,以期跨越學科界限,開拓學生視野,培養他們多元思維與日常 解難能力。此外,本校亦推出一個全新副修課程,推動教室內的創 意教與學。 此外,二零一九年及其後入學的教育學士課程學生必需修畢「學校 體驗基礎課程」。該課程參照教育局轄下教師及校長專業發展委員 會所訂立的標準,以助學生認識專業倫理、專業操守及法律規條等 課題。本校年內亦推出相關網頁,詳列教師應有的專業素質、工作 態度及技能要求等指引。

Learning and Teaching: Preparing for the Future The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 16 Highly competitive graduates Building on our traditional strength in teacher education, we have been expanding programme offerings to cover more subject disciplines. During the period, the University welcomed the first cohort of almost 90 BEd graduates majoring in Chinese history, geography and science. They were joined by another first batch of graduates from three co-terminal double degree programmes in music, visual arts and language studies. EdUHK graduates remained highly competitive, particularly in the field of education. According to the findings of the 2020 Graduate Employment Survey, 97.9% of graduates from BEd programmes were employed or had chosen to further studies within three months of graduation, with a record-high average monthly salary of HK$31,676, an increase by almost 30% compared with 2016. 畢業生極具競爭力 教大在教師教育的傳統優勢下,一直擴大課程範疇,發展多元學 科。年內,本校近九十名來自首屆中史、地理或科學的教育學士 學位課程學生畢業;另外,亦迎來首屆主修音樂、視覺藝術或語 文研究的文學士及教育學士雙學位課程畢業生。本校畢業生一向 極具市場競爭力,尤其在教育領域方面。根據二零二零年畢業生 就業調查,教大教育學士課程畢業生,於畢業後三個月內受聘或 選擇繼續升學的,達百分之九十七點九;而平均起薪點為三萬 一千六百七十六港元,較二零一六年上升近三成,為歷年新高。 Graduates of 2021: (from left) Bonita Lee Cheuk-ting, Kenneth Lau Kwankin and Ally Cheung Hoi-man 應屆畢業生:(左起)李卓婷、劉均健及張凱汶

學與教:掌握機遇 籌謀未來 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 17 Online teaching: challenges and opportunities While most classes continued to be delivered online during the pandemic, ongoing efforts were made to enhance teaching effectiveness and assessment. A tracking survey was conducted to analyse the quality of real-time synchronous lessons. It was found that students’ overall satisfaction rating towards online learning increased by 20% from March 2020 to May 2021. The University also expanded its online class platform with related teaching videos and materials for sharing with pre-service and in-service teachers. In preparation for the wider use of blended learning in the longer term, a one-off special grant of over HK$16.8 million was allocated to EdUHK from UGC and the Quality Assurance Council to support the strategic move towards more intensive and systematic adoption of virtual teaching and learning. 線上教學:挑戰與機遇 因應疫情,年內大部分課堂仍以線上形式進行,本校為此致力提升 線上教學效能及評核機制。一項追蹤調查發現,二零二零年三月至 二零二一年五月期間,學生對實時線上教學的滿意度評分上升近百 分之二十。本校亦擴大其線上教學平台,上載相關短片及教材,供 準教師及現職教師參考及使用。為長久支援日漸普遍的混合式教 學,本校獲教資會和質素保證局額外撥款一千六百八十萬港元,有 策略地推動虛擬教與學的應用與系統發展。 A workshop to demonstrate the use of AV equipment in classrooms for hybrid learning 校方舉辦工作坊,示範如何使用課室內的影音設備進行混合式教學 The University has expanded its online class platformwith related teaching videos andmaterials for sharing with pre-service and in-service teachers 本校擴大線上教學平台,上載相關短片及教材,供準教師和現職 教師參考及使用 New designs and facilities are incorporated in the renovated lecture theatres to make learning and teaching more interactive 為提高學與教的互動性,部分演講廳採用全新設計,並引入新設備

Learning and Teaching: Preparing for the Future The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 18 Postgraduate expansion On the postgraduate level, new taught master’s degree programmes in the areas of visual arts education and creative practice, personal finance education, leading experiential learning activities, as well as AI and educational technology were launched. To strengthen the technology component in the curriculum, students of the Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages programme may opt for a new degree strand in Digital Technology for English Learning and Teaching. Furthermore, a new specialised area, Asian and Policy Studies, was added to the Doctor of Education programme. 擴展研究生課程 研究生課程方面,本校開辦多個全新授課式研究生課程,涵蓋視覺 藝術教育與創意實踐、個人理財教育、體驗式學習活動領導,以及 人工智能與教育科技。為強化學科的科技元素,修讀英語教學文學 碩士課程的學生,可選讀新增設的「英語教學數碼科技」方向。本 校亦在教育博士課程中,增設「亞洲及政策研究」專業領域。 Students of the Master of Arts in Personal Finance Education programme are given knowledge so they can provide comprehensive plans to help people achieve their financial goals 修讀個人理財教育文學碩士的學生,可學習如何應用金融知識為大眾提供理財方案,以實現理財目標

學與教:掌握機遇 籌謀未來 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 19 During the period, the University created a ‘3+1 pathway’ with South China Normal University and Beijing Normal University, enabling students to accelerate their studies and earn both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in only four years. Two dual master’s programmes were also planned: one in international public management and administration with Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Saskatchewan in Canada; and a dual Master of Education degree programme with the United Arab Emirates University. In April 2021, EdUHK announced the world’s first collaboration between a postgraduate degree programme and Cambridge Assessment International Education to offer Cambridge educational leadership qualifications. The qualifications are available to eligible students on the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change programme, who will have the opportunity to attain the Cambridge International Certificate and Diploma in Educational Leadership. 年內,教大分別與華南師範大學及北京師範大學合作,推出「3+1 修讀模式」,讓學生可於四年內加快完成學士及碩士學位課程。本 校亦計劃開辦兩個雙學位碩士課程,包括:與加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大 學Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究生院合作的國際公共管理與行政 碩士課程,以及與阿拉伯聯合大公國大學開辦的雙教育碩士課程。 二零二一年四月,教大宣布與劍橋大學國際考評部合作,讓修讀國 際教育領導與變革行政人員文學碩士課程、並合乎資格的學生,有 機會獲頒劍橋教育領導力國際證書與文憑,成為全球首間大學提供 獲此專業認可的研究生課程。 EdUHK unveils the world’s first postgraduatedegree programmewithCambridge leadership qualifications 教大推出全球首個頒發劍橋教師領導資歷的研究生 課程 Graduates of Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages programme 英語教學文學碩士課程畢業生 Awriting competition organised by the Graduate School to collect students’ views onways to create a supportive research environment 研究生院舉辦寫作比賽,收集學生對良好研究氛圍的意見

Innovations Bearing Fruit The University’s unswerving commitment to research excellence and knowledge transfer paid off in the reporting year, with local and international accolades, awards and recognitions for its scholarly output, educational innovation and research impact. 本校矢志追求卓越研究及推動知識轉移,於報告年內取得 長足發展。其學術成果、教育創新與研究影響,屢獲本地 及國際殊榮、獎項與肯定,碩果纍纍。 日新又新 碩果纍纍 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 20

Research and Knowledge Transfer 研究與知識轉移

Research & Knowledge Transfer: Innovations Bearing Fruit The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 22 “World Leading” and “Internationally Excellent” Research in Selected Units of Assessment in RAE 2020 部分獲「2020年研究評審工作」評定為達「世界領先」及「國際卓越」水平的評審單位及比例 Education (including curriculum & instruction, education administration & policy and other education) Geography Chinese language & literature Music and performing arts Computer studies / science (including information technology) Psychology Linguistics & language studies Earth Sciences (including oceanography, meteorology) and other physical sciences (including environmental science) 教育(包括課程與教學、教育行政與政 策及其他教育) 地理學 中國語言及文學 音樂及表演藝術 電腦學科/科學(包括資訊科技) 心理學 語言學及語文研究 地球科學(包括海洋學及氣象學)及 其他自然科學(包括環境科學) 67% 62% 64% 47% 55% 44% 44% 43% “World Leading” and “Internationally Excellent” research Covering the research output, impact and environment of the eight publicly funded universities from October 2013 to September 2019, the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 was part of the University Grants Committee’s (UGC) ongoing efforts to provide benchmarking information and guidance for research excellence. RAE measures research performance and impact against quality levels as defined by international standards. It was the first comprehensive research assessment for EdUHK since retitling. Among EdUHK’s submissions, 63% of our overall profile was judged to be “world leading” or “internationally excellent” in the Education Panel, and all educational research was assessed to have “outstanding” or “considerable impacts” in terms of reach and significance. Our research in other units of assessment was also recognised, in tandem with our transformation as a research-active university focusing on education and related disciplines. At the close of the reporting year, senior academics and emerging young scholars at the University were working on 193 ongoing projects, with a total amount of HK$153.26 million awarded in a wide array of disciplines and subjects. 「世界領先」及「國際卓越」研究 「2020年研究評審工作」評核八所公帑資助大學於二零一三年十月至 二零一九年九月間的研究表現,包括:研究成果、研究影響與研究 環境三項元素。「2020年研究評審工作」為大學教育資助委員會(教 資會)定期進行的研究評核,旨在為各大學提供卓越研究的標準及指 引。評審工作按照國際準則,審核研究項目的質素水平,衡量其研 究表現和影響。這是教大自正名為大學以來的首次綜合研究評估。 教大提交的研究項目中,百分之六十三獲教育評審小組評定為達 到「世界領先」或「國際卓越」水平;而就影響範圍和重要性而言, 所有教育研究均獲評為「出眾」或「具相當重要影響」。至於在其他 評審單位,本校的研究亦備受肯定,足 證教大於教育及相關學科不斷求 進,已發展成一所具積極研 究氛圍的大學。 截至本報告年度結束, 本校資深與年輕學者正 進行一百九十三項研 究項目,獲資助總額達 一億五千三百二十六萬 港元,涵蓋多個學科範疇。 In this year’s General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS), and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme collectively, more than a quarter of the University’s research submissions were successful. A total of HK$20.81 million was awarded to 36 EdUHK projects, covering education, psychology and linguistics, humanities and arts, social and behavioural 本年度,教大向「優配研究金」、「傑出青年學者計劃」與「人文學 及社會科學傑出學者計劃」提交的研究項目申請,逾四分一獲得資 助。本校三十六個項目共獲得二千零八十一萬港元,資助範圍包 括:教育、心理及語言學、人文學及藝術、社會及行為科學,以及 數學。本校於教育科目範圍再佔鰲頭,獲資助項目的數量及撥款總 額,均位列本地大學之首;共有十六個項目獲「優配研究金」及「傑 出青年學者計劃」資助,合共獲得一千一百八十八萬港元撥款,佔 該科目資助總額百分之四十七點七二。 63% of our overall profile in the Education Panel judged “world leading” or “internationally excellent” 研究獲教育評審小組評為 「世界領先」或「國際卓越」

研究與知識轉移:日新又新 碩果纍纍 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 23 Celebration of the 29 international innovation awards won during the year, in the fields of education, environmental conservation and creative arts 本校年內榮獲二十九個國際發明獎項,涵蓋教育、環境保育與創 意藝術領域 研究人才樞紐 教大歷年吸納不少來自世界各地的研究人才,尤其教育領域方面的 專才。現時,本校有逾三百三十名攻讀哲學碩士、哲學博士及教育 博士課程的學生。於二零二零至二一年度,四名新生更獲研究資助 局(研資局)頒發香港博士研究生獎學金。同期,亦有五名教大研究 人員獲研資局博士後獎學金,該計劃特為教資會資助大學培育的本 地及非本地年輕研究人才而設,旨在支援剛起步的研究人員開展其 事業里程。 sciences, and mathematics. In the subject discipline of education, the University ranked first, both in terms of the number of successful projects and the amount awarded. The 16 approved GRF and ECS projects in education secured HK$11.88 million research funding, sharing 47.72% of the total funding in the discipline. Research talent hub The University continued to attract research talent from different parts of the world, particularly in the field of education. Among over 330 doctoral students in our Research Postgraduate and Doctor of Education programmes, four EdUHK-nominated candidates were accepted under the Research Grants Council’s (RGC) prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme in 2020-21. During the period, five of our researchers were awarded funding from the RGC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, which supports young local and non-local researchers at UGC-funded universities at a pivotal time of their fledgling careers. For the second cohort of UGC’s Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme, EdUHK was allocated 65 fellowship places in seven taught postgraduate programmes, such as STEM education, speech therapy and sports coaching and management. In addition, two research postgraduate candidates were awarded the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Targeted Scholarship Scheme – Belt and Road Scholarship (Research Postgraduate) for the next academic year. 在第二屆教資會「指定研究院修課課程獎學金計劃」中,教大共有 七個修課式研究生課程獲納入計劃,提供合共六十五個獎學金名 額。相關課程包括:STEM教育、言語治療,以及運動教練及管理 等。此外,兩名研究生獲「香港特別行政區政府獎學基金」屬下的 特定地區獎學金計劃「一帶一路獎學金 – 研究院研究課程」資助, 於下學年攻讀哲學博士課程。 Awardees of the RGC’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme: Dr Amelia Xu Zhengye and Dr Benjamin Mulvey 「研資局博士後獎學金」得主: 許崢燁博士及Benjamin Mulvey 博士

Research & Knowledge Transfer: Innovations Bearing Fruit The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2020-2021 24 Global reputation During the period, our academics won 29 prestigious innovation awards around the globe, in the fields of education, environmental conservation and creative arts. Their scholarly output has also been recognised in the academic world, with 23 EdUHK scholars named among the top two per cent most-cited scientists by Stanford University, based on their career-long citation impact and single-year citation. In a related development, EdUHK was ranked 3rd in Asia and 16th in the World in Education, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by Subject 2021. Sharing expertise in the region Following the completion of the World Bank project in Vietnam, EdUHK launched another major knowledge transfer (KT) project funded by the World Bank which, among other initiatives, entails collaborative capacity building programmes with five leading Cambodian universities. Under the agreement, EdUHK will admit six faculty staff members from the partnering universities in its Doctor of Education programme with full scholarships funded by the World Bank. Due to the pandemic, a conference with two Russian universities, namely Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, was held online. Discussion topics covered included common challenges, responses and the use of educational technologies during the pandemic. 國際聲譽 年內,本校學者勇奪全球二十九個享負盛名的發明獎項,涵蓋教 育、環境保育與創意藝術領域。此外,教大共有二十三名學者榮登 全球首2%科學家名單。該名錄由史丹福大學依據學者的學術生涯 及其學術文獻年內獲引用次數排名,足證本校學者的研究備受學界 認可。同時,在二零二一年Quacquarelli Symonds世界大學學科排 名中,教大在教育領域位列亞洲第三與全球第十六。 與地區分享專業知識 繼與世界銀行(世銀)合作的越南項目圓滿結束後,教大開展另一 個獲世銀資助的知識轉移項目,與五所柬埔寨主要公立高等學府合 作,藉不同範疇的協作,提升其教研實力。根據協議,教大將取錄 六名合作院校的教師,入讀本校的教育博士課程,他們並將獲得由 世銀資助的全額獎學金。 疫情下,教大與兩所俄羅斯大學,包括:伊曼努爾• 康德波羅的海 聯邦大學及庫茲馬• 米寧大諾夫哥羅德教育大學,舉行線上研討 會,討論疫情期間所面對的挑戰、應對方法,以及教育科技應用等 議題。 An online conference with two Russian universities, entitled Adjustments and Support by Tertiary Institutions amid the Coronavirus 本校與兩所俄羅斯大學合辦線上研討會,探討高教界 在新冠肺炎疫情期間提供的支援及措施

研究與知識轉移:日新又新 碩果纍纍 香港教育大學 2020-2021 年報 25 Knowledge transfer for the community Locally, the University is committed to promoting the application of its research findings to the school sector and the community. During the reporting year, numerous KT projects were launched to promote life education, STEM education, special education as well as e-learning, details of which can be found in the section on Community Partnership. On research commercialisation and intellectual property, the University granted licences in 2020-21 to two new projects generating a revenue of HK$150,000 for the coming years. Additionally, patents were filed for two innovations: an emotion recognition system and a sensor which measures oxygen levels in the ocean. To foster entrepreneurial culture among EdUHK students and graduates, the University expanded its Education And Social Entrepreneurs (EASE) Fund scheme established in 2018 with funding support from the Home Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Fund. The seed capital for each winning team of EASE Fund will be increased to a maximum of HK$600,000 for the coming cohorts to provide better incubation support. 知識轉移 惠澤社群 教大一向致力推動研究實踐,與本地學界及社區分享成果。在本報 告年度期間,本校啟動多個知識轉移項目,推廣生命教育、STEM 教育、特殊教育及電子學習等。詳情請參閱年報「夥伴合作」章節。 在研究產業化及知識產權方面,教大於二零二零至二一年度簽訂兩 項發明的授權,將於未來數年帶來十五萬港元收益。此外,本校亦 註冊了兩項創新發明專利申請,包括:情緒識別系統,以及測量海 洋氧氣含量的感應器。 為推動教大學生與畢業生的創業文化,本校於二零一八年成立「教 育與社會企業家基金」計劃。承蒙民政事務局及青年發展基金撥款 支持,本校得以擴展有關計劃。得勝隊伍獲發的種子基金將增至最 高六十萬港元,以進一步支援初創企業。