The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 9 校長的話 Nurturing educators and professionals Turning to our core mission in teacher education and complementary disciplines, we remained committed to the continuous quality enhancement of our academic programmes. It is encouraging to note that our BEd students have been highly sought after within the school sector over the past decade or so. At the undergraduate level, the new common core curriculum for full-time undergraduate students was implemented during the period, after years of comprehensive review, benchmarking and preparation. This included the introduction of the University ePortfolio and final-year capstone projects, among other new initiatives. These curricular changes have been made in view of the rapidly changing education landscape. Of equal importance is the nurturing of future research talent, which is part of our mission. We have witnessed a steady growth of our research student population over the past few years, especially under the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and our flagship Doctor of Education programme. During the year under review, we also received funding to provide local students in taught postgraduate programmes with tuition scholarships. 培育教師及專業人士 教大的核心使命為推動教師教育及相關多元學科的發展, 致力不斷提升課程質素。過去十年,本校的教育學士課程畢 業生廣受學界歡迎,著實令人鼓舞。至於全日制學士學位 課程,經過多年籌備、參照不同模式及全面檢視後,本學年 開始實施新的共同核心課程,包括:引進「大學電子學習歷 程檔案」及為畢業專題研究加入「總整專案」選項等,以應對 瞬息萬變的教育發展。 教大同樣重視研究專才的培育,這亦是本校核心使命之一。 近年,本校的研究生人數穩步增長,尤其香港博士研究生獎 學金計劃及教育博士學位課程兩方面。本學年教大亦獲得資 助,為授課式碩士課程的本地學生提供獎學金。  Welcoming new students to the University online 網上歡迎教大新生  Appointing Wong Kam-po (right) and Lee Chun-ho (left) as ‘Elite Athlete Friendly University’ Ambassadors 委任黃金寶(右)及李振豪(左)為「精英運動員友好大學」大使