The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

8 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 這是我任內第七份年度報告,涵蓋教大於二零一九至二零學年 的主要挑戰、發展及成就。 過去一年對我們大多數人來說,無疑充滿考驗。很多意料之 外的事情為整個社會帶來多方面衝擊。學年前段,社會事件 不休,衝突持續;及後,新型冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐全球,更徹 底改變了我們的工作、學習、出遊及社交模式。 邁步向前 種種前所未見的挑戰,大大影響了大學的校園生活與運作。 有見及此,校方迅速採取應變措施,包括:全面進行網上 教學、暫緩海外交流,並就體驗學習作出特別安排等。為確保 課程質素,我們為網上學與教制訂指引,並適時為課程導師及 學生提供教學及技術支援。在這非常時期,我由衷感謝所有教 職員盡心教學、關愛學生,也感謝同學的理解和支持。全賴師 生同心同德、全力以赴,學與教才得以順利持續下去。 This is my seventh President’s Overview, covering the major challenges, developments and achievements of the University in 2019-20. For many of us, it was undoubtedly a challenging year, full of unexpected developments which upended the community in so many ways. The first half of the period saw confrontational scenes across the city due to the prolonged social incidents, followed by global disruption caused by COVID-19. The pandemic has drastically transformed how we work, study, travel and socialise. Moving forward To say the least, these unparalleled challenges have profoundly affected university life and operation. We had to swiftly conduct all classes online, postpone overseas exchanges and make special arrangements for field experience, among other things. Central to ensuring the continued delivery of programmes was quality assurance. A set of specific guidelines was developed, alongside pedagogical and technical support provided promptly for course lecturers and students alike. I am immensely thankful for the dedicated efforts and caring approach of all staff members, as well as students’ understanding and support during this difficult time. Their can-do attitude and esprit de corps have contributed in no small measure towards making all these possible. President’s Overview 校長的話