The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 79 Department of Asian and Policy Studies 亞洲及政策研究學系 Council Secretariat 校董會秘書處 Department of Mathematics and Information Technology 數學與資訊科技學系 Finance Office 財務處 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts 文化與創意藝術學系 Department of Science and Environmental Studies 科學與環境學系 Human Resources Office 人力資源處 Faculty-level Research Centres* 學院級研究中心 (4) School of Continuing and Professional Education** 持續專業教育學院 (6) Faculty-level Resource Centre* 學院級資源中心 (5) Department of Health and Physical Education 健康與體育學系 Department of Social Sciences 社會科學系 Office of the Chief Information Officer 資訊科技總監辦公室 組織架構 Associate Vice President (Assessment) 協理副校長 (評估) Associate Vice President (AcademicAffairs)cumRegistrar 協理副校長 (學術事務)暨教務長 Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) 協理副校長 (學術質素保證) President 校長 Vice President (Academic) and Provost 學術及首席副校長 Vice President (Administration) 副校長(行政) Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 博文及社會科學學院 Dean 院長 Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology 教學科技中心 Alumni Affairs and Development Office 校友及拓展事務處 Registry 教務處 School Partnership and Field Experience Office 學校協作及體驗事務處 General Education Office 通識教育事務處 Communications Office 傳訊處 Library 圖書館 * (1) Including: Centre for Child and Family Science 包括 兒童與家庭科學中心 Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences 兒童教育及發展科學研究中心 Centre for Psychosocial Health 社群心理健康研究中心 Integrated Centre for Wellbeing 整全成長發展中心 * (2) Including: Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching 包括 卓越教學發展中心 Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education 宗教教育與心靈教育中心 Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education 特殊學習需要與融合教育中心 * (3) Including: Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities 包括 流行文化與人文學研究中心 Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education 中國語言及中文教育研究中心 Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies 語言學及語言研究中心 Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture 中國文學文化研究中心 * (4) Including: Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability 包括 可持續發展教育中心 Centre for Greater China Studies 大中華研究中心 Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera 粵劇傳承研究中心 * (5) Including: Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary and Liberal Studies 包括 跨學科及通識教育研習中心 ** (6) Peter T.C. Lee Chair Professor of Health Studies is charged to oversee the School of Continuing and Professional Education, an EdUHK subsidiary 利定昌「健康學」講座教授負責監管本校附屬機構持續專業教育學院 Estates Office 物業處 Study Centre Office 教學中心事務處