The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 75 司庫報告 Financial Position The University’s total net assets increased from $1,224 million to $1,511 million at the end of 2019/20. Interest rates offered for short-term deposits were better than that of long-term deposits in the first half of the financial year of 2019/20, thus more bank deposits were made as short-term deposits. As a result, the bank deposits with original maturity of over three months had slightly reduced by $13 million to $846 million, whereas, cash and cash equivalent increased to $860 million. The total balance of the General and Development Reserve Fund (“GDRF”) reached $566 million at the end of the year. Out of total surplus of $189 million generated from UGC-funded activities, $123 million was transferred to GDRF and $66 million to Matching Grant funds. Outlook The financial position of the University is healthy with total accumulated funds of over $1.5 billion at the end of the year. However, many challenges lie ahead of the University in coming years. To tackle the interruption of teaching activities caused by the prolonged pandemic, the University has been developing appropriate means to facilitate its learning environment. This relies heavily on technology to ensure a stable platform for online teaching. The University has been providing extra resources to improve its infrastructure especially in networks, remote access and cyber security. Even with a good infrastructure for online teaching, the University will still have difficulty in recruiting students, especially from areas outside Hong Kong, if the pandemic situation is still not under control globally. On the economic side, the future is unpredictable as its development has been hindered by many factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and Sino-US trade disputes. Those factors will have an impact on the University’s student recruitment activities and fund-raising exercises. With healthy reserves, the University is well prepared and will be able to get through the bumpy road which lies ahead of us. Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-kuen , MH, JP Treasurer The Council of The Education University of Hong Kong 25 September 2020 財務狀況 截至二零一九至二零年度止,本校的資產淨值為 十五億一千一百萬元,較去年度的十二億二千四百萬 元,有所增加。在二零一九至二零二零上半財政年 度,由於短期存款利率較長期存款利率佳,因此我們 把更多銀行存款投放於短期存款上,以致原到期日超 過三個月的定期存款額減少了一千三百萬元,達八億 四千六百萬元,而現金及現金等價物則有所增加,達 至八億六千萬元。 於本年度末,一般及發展儲備基金的總結餘達至五億 六千六百萬元。教資會資助項目所出現的一億八千 九百萬元總盈餘之中,有一億二千三百萬元撥入一般 及發展儲備基金,另有六千六百萬元轉撥予配對補 助金。 前瞻 於本年度末,本校的累積儲備已超過十五億元,反映 我們的財務狀況穩健。不過,未來的挑戰眾多。 為應對疫情持續令教學受阻,本校已開發適切的教學 途徑,以便利學習,而這極需科技協助,確保能夠提 供一個穩定平台,進行網上教學。本校已投放額外資 源,用以改善有關基礎建設,特別是網絡、遙距教學 及網絡保安方面。縱然本校已為網上教學設置良好基 建,但仍要面對招生方面的困難,尤其是全球疫情若 然仍未受控,招收境外學生更受挑戰。 經濟發展亦將遇到多方障礙,包括新型冠狀病毒肺炎 疫情及中美貿易糾紛,因此前景難料。而此等障礙因 素,亦將影響本校的招生及籌款工作。然而,穩健儲 備的基礎上,本校已作好準備,相信定能安然踏過崎 嶇前路。 趙麗娟女士 ,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 香港教育大學校董會 司庫 二零二零年九月二十五日