The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

74 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Treasurer's Report Expenditure Total expenditure incurred by the Group amounted to $1,811 million, a decrease of $7 million as compared to last year’s level. University expenditure decreased by $14 million to $1,755 million. At the University level, a total amount of $1,259 million was spent on teaching, learning and research: equivalent to 72% of the total expenditure. The increase of $24 million against last year was mainly due to cost of living adjustment in staff costs. The high ratio of expenditure spent on teaching and research reflected the fact that the University placed learning and teaching as its top priority, and this was especially important given our core mission was in teacher education. For institutional support, a decrease of $37 million as compared to 2018/19 was recorded. The major decrease came from the premises and related expenses and expenditure related to students’ extra-curricular activities. About $32 million was reduced as a result of completion of some improvement projects on infrastructure for the University and new projects were interrupted by the social unrest and pandemic. In addition, a decrease in the expenses of $8 million for student and general education services was mainly due to cancellation of some extra-curricular activities for students, especially to overseas countries due to travel restrictions imposed under the pandemic. At the subsidiary level, the SCPE ceased to offer programmes and courses in 2014/15. The expenditure incurred was to cover charges for administration services and rental of storage space provided by the University. The Schools Limited incurred a total expenditure of $56 million which was mainly for staff costs. The following diagram shows the breakdown of the total expenditure of the University: 支出 本集團的總支出達至十八億一千一百萬元,較去年度 減少七百萬元;而本校的支出則下跌一千四百萬元, 達十七億五千五百萬元。 在本校的支出中,教學、學術及研究佔十二億五千九 百萬元,為總支出的百分之七十二,此支出數額較去 年度增加了二千四百萬元,增長主要源於教職員的薪 酬開支按生活成本調整所致。教學及研究開支佔去如 此重大比例,反映本校對學與教最為重視。此舉亦尤 為重要,因本校的核心使命在於教師教育。 本年度教學支援的各項支出較二零一八至一九年度減 少三千七百萬元,此收縮數額主要由於校舍及相關開 支、學生課外活動支出的下降。其中減省的三千二百 萬元,是因為本校部分基礎設施改善工程已經完成, 而社會不安與疫情爆發令新項目中斷。同時,學生及 一般教育服務的支出減少八百萬元,主因是部分學生 課外活動取消,尤其疫情導致航空交通限制,令該等 於海外國家進行的活動受阻。 附屬機構持續專業教育學院已自二零一四至一五年度 停辦課程,年內支出只用以本校的服務費及儲物間租 金。學校有限公司的總支出為五千六百萬元,主要用 作支付僱員開支。 下圖說明本校總支出細項及類別: 2019/2020: $1,755 million $17.55 億 2018/2019: $1,769 million $17.69 億 2019/20 HK$‘Million 港幣百萬元 Teaching and research 1,035 教學及研究 Library 61 圖書館 Central computing facilities 92 中央電腦設施 Other academic services 71 其他學術服務 Management and general 112 管理及一般事項 Premises and related expenses 274 校舍及相關開支 Student and general education services 110 學生及一般教育服務 16% 5% 4% 6% 6% 4% 59% Expenditure 支出