The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

72 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Treasurer’s Report 司庫報告 Report of the Treasurer to the Council on the Group’s Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 Overview Over the year, the social movements and the outbreak of COVID-19 posed unprecedented disturbance to Hong Kong and impacted greatly on the operations of the University and the education sector as a whole. The University exercised flexibility in dealing with problems faced by students and staff members respectively during the period of social unrest, especially due to traffic conditions at that time. In addition, special arrangements for learning and teaching activities were quickly made in response to the pandemic: adoption of an online teaching mode; cancellation of extra-curricular activities; as well as other special operating modes for examinations and field experience attachments. In 2019/20, the University recorded an overall net surplus of $287 million for the year, of which a surplus of $189 million came from University Grants Committee (“UGC”)-funded activities and a surplus of $98 million was derived from non-UGC-funded activities. At the Group level, the net surplus of $271 million included a small surplus of $1 million from The EdUHK Schools Limited (“Schools Limited”) and a deficit of $17 million from the subsidiary, The EdUHK School of Continuing and Professional Education Limited (“SCPE”) respectively. The deficit incurred by SCPE was due to a donation of $17 million made to the University. Operating Results and Financial Position The Group adopted the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Statement of Recommended Practice (“SORP”) for the UGC-funded Institutions in Hong Kong. Note 1 of the Consolidated Financial Statements shows the details of the significant accounting policies adopted by the Group. Income Compared to 2018/19, there was an increase of $123 million in the recurrent grants and an increase of $82 million in the earmarked grants. Tuition, programmes and other University fees increased by $17 million, mainly derived from non-UGC-funded programmes. Donations and benefactions of the University increased by $77 million to $129 million: a result partly attributed to the launch of the Eighth Matching Grant Scheme. Total interest and net investment income amounted to $43 million was slightly behind last year’s total of $52 million. The performance of the investment portfolios was satisfactory given the volatile investment markets; low interest rate environment and the impact of the pandemic on the global economy. 香港教育大學司庫致校董會於二零二零年六月 三十日止的年度報告 概覽 過去一年,社會運動及新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情爆發, 令香港飽受前所未見的困擾,本校以至整個教育界的 運作皆大受影響。有見及此,本校採取靈活措施, 應對社會動盪為學生及教職員帶來的諸多難題,特別 是此期間的交通狀況。此外,本校亦於疫情期間, 迅速就學與教活動作出特別安排,包括:採用網上教 學模式、取消課外活動,並以特別方式進行考試及安 排教學實習。 二零一九至二零年度,本校錄得淨盈餘二億八千七百 萬元,分別來自大學教育資助委員會(「教資會」)資 助項目的盈餘一億八千九百萬元,及非教資會資助 項目的盈餘九千八百萬元。整體而言,本集團的二億 七千一百萬元淨盈餘中,包含一百萬元的少量盈餘 來自香港教育大學附屬學校有限公司(「學校有限公 司」),以及一千七百萬元的赤字來自香港教育大學持 續專業教育學院有限公司(「持續專業教育學院」)。 該赤字源於持續專業教育學院向本校捐贈一千七百 萬元所致。 營運業績及財務狀況 本集團採納香港會計師公會頒布的香港財務報告 準則(「財務準則」),以及教資會資助大學的建議 準則(「建議準則」)。本校綜合財務報表附註一羅列 了本集團採用的主要會計政策細則。 收入 相比二零一八至一九年度,經常性撥款增加了一億 二千三百萬元,指定撥款較去年度多出八千二百 萬元。學費、課程及其他收費合共增加一千七百 萬元,此增收主要源於非教資會資助的課程。捐款及 捐助增加七千七百萬元,達一億二千九百萬元,部分 增長來自第八輪配對補助金計劃的實施。利息及投資 淨收入達四千三百萬元,較去年度的五千二百萬元 略減。雖然年內的投資市場環境反覆不穩,加上低利 率和疫情對全球經濟造成影響,但本校的投資組合表 現令人滿意。