The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

 The Chairman pictured with his respected teacher Professor Edward Chen Kwan-yiu, who was conferred the University’s honorary doctorate in 2018 校董會主席與恩師陳坤耀教授合照。陳教授於二零一八年 獲教大頒授榮譽博士學位  Handing out souvenirs to members of the media at the 2018 Spring Reception 校董會主席於二零一八年新春茶聚派發紀念品予傳媒朋友  The Chairman with Professor Rosie Young Tse-tse and Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung at the time capsule opening ceremony in 2019 校董會主席、楊紫芝教授及張炳良教授於二零一九年舉行的時間囊開 啟儀式聚首  The Chairman gives a lecture as part of the General Education Foundation Course lecture series in 2018 校董會主席於二零一 八年擔任通識教育基 礎課程主講嘉賓  Taking a selfie at the 2018 Spring Reception 於二零一八年新春茶聚自拍留影 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 7 校董會主席前言