The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 69 管治報告 Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung 曾寶強教授 Professor Eric Tsang is Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies and Student Learning) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Head of Department of Science and Environmental Studies of the University. He is a Staff Council Member nominated by the Academic Board and appointed by the Council of the University. 曾寶強教授為本校博文及社會科學學院副院長(本科教育及學生事務)兼科學與環境學系系主任,也是 由本校教務委員會提名、校董會委任的校董會成員。 Miss Kris WONGWing-ki 黃泳其小姐 Miss Kris Wong Wing-ki is a full-time student of the Bachelor of Social Science Education (Honours) (Greater China Studies) Programme, and the Student Council Member nominated by the Sub-committee of Student Governance, on recommendation of the student representatives in attendance, and appointed by the Council. She is the President of the 27 th Provisional Executive Council of Students’ Union of the University. 黃泳其小姐為社會科學教育榮譽學士(大中華地區研究)課程全日制學生,她是由學生管治小組委員會按 與會學生代表所推舉的人選作出提名,並經校董會委任的校董會成員,也是本校第二十七屆學生會臨時 行政委員會會長。 Ms SarahWONG Man-yee 黃敏兒女士 Vice President (Administration) 副校長(行政) Ms Sarah Wong is the Vice President (Administration) and Secretary to Council of the University. 黃敏兒女士為本校副校長(行政)暨校董會秘書。