The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

馬時亨教授 , GBS, JP 校董會主席 Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang , GBS, JP Chairman of the Council Amidst ongoing socioeconomic challenges, this is certainly no time for the University to rest on its laurels, however. We are undoubtedly in a period of great change, and there has been mounting frustration among young people. Hong Kong is our home and nurturing the next generation in a caring society is the way forward. More than ever, we should refocus on our core values and traditional wisdom, such as mutual respect, gratitude and temperance. At all times, we should be able to agree to disagree. This is not down to teachers alone. Each and every one of us has a role to play. A sense of gratitude As Chairman of the University, I feel privileged to have met so many outstanding and passionate educators who share the same mission. I am sure our paths will cross as we work together to help create foundations on which we move forward. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all of those who have been Council Members during my time as Chairman. Furthermore, I would like to give my thanks and best wishes to the outgoing Members Dr Haywood Cheung, Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, Mrs Michelle Wong-Yau Wai-ching, Ms Loretta Leung Mee-kuen, Professor Joanne Chung Wai-yee and Mr Leung Yiu-ting; and give a warm welcome to the new Members Mrs Joanna Li-Lau Lai-hing, Professor Enboa Wu, Mrs Chan-Siu Suk-fan, Ms Anna Hui Sui-yee and Miss Kris Wong Wing-ki. 儘管如此,教大在面對社會及經濟的重重挑戰下,絕不能就 此停步。毫無疑問,我們現正處身於一個多變的世代,年輕 人的挫敗感愈來愈大。香港是我們的家,我們應致力建立一 個關愛社會,培育下一代。此時此刻,我們更應重申我們的 核心價值和傳統智慧,諸如:互相尊重、感恩心意與中庸之 道,力求和而不同。當然,這不能單靠教師的付出,而必須 集合眾人之力,各盡其本分。 滿懷感恩 身為校董會主席,我有幸認識一群志同道合、優秀卓越,更充 滿熱誠的教育有心人。我深信,日後我們定必再度攜手,為教 育的未來奠下基礎。 最後,我謹藉此機會,向所有校董會成員敬致謝意,並由衷感 謝離任的校董會成員:張德熙博士、葉豪盛教授、黃邱慧清 女士、梁美娟女士、鍾慧儀教授與梁耀霆先生。同時,我亦歡 迎新任的校董會成員:李劉麗卿女士、吳恩柏教授、陳蕭淑芬 女士、許瑞儀女士與黃泳其小姐。  The Chairman and the President meet with Li Ka Shing Foundation scholarship recipients in 2018 校董會主席及校長於二零一八年與李嘉誠基金會獎學金得主會面  Meeting with Alibaba co-founders Dr Jack Ma and Dr Joseph Tsai as the latter receives his honorary doctorate at the University in 2018 校董會主席於二零一八年與阿里巴巴創始人馬雲博士及 蔡崇信博士會面,後者獲教大頒授榮譽博士學位 6 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Chairman’s Foreword  Professor Ma’s first meeting with students as Chairman in 2017 馬教授於二零一七年首次以校董會主席身分與學生會面