The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 59 管治報告 Name of the Council Members as at 30 June 2020 於二零二零年六月三十日為 校董會成員 Member of 成員 Total no. of meetings of the Council / Standing Committee held during the year 本年度校董會/ 常設委員會舉行 的會議次數 Total no. of meetings of the Council / Standing Committee attended by electronic means during the year on or before 17 April 2020 Note1 在二零二零年四月十 七日或以前,以電 子形式參與校董會/ 常設委員會的會議 次數 (註釋一) Totalno.ofmeetings oftheCouncil/ StandingCommittee attendedby electronicmeans duringtheyearafter 17April2020 Note2 在二零二零年四月 十七日後,以電子 形式參與校董會/ 常設委員會的會議 次數 (註釋二) Total no. of meetings of the Council / Standing Committee attended during the year (including physical attendance and attendance by electronic means Note3 ) 本 年 度 校 董 會 /常 設委員會舉行的會 議 次 數( 包 括 親 身 出席及以電子形式 參與) (註釋三) Miss KrisWONG Wing-ki (from28May 2020) 黃泳其小姐 (自二零二零 年五月二十八日起) - Council 校董會 1 N/A 不適用 0 1 Mrs MichelleWONG- YAUWai-ching, BBS, JP (up to 22 April 2020) 黃邱慧清女士,銅紫荊 星章,太平紳士 (至二零 二零年四月二十二日止) - Council 校董會 3 0 N/A 不適用 2 Professor EnboaWU (from25 April 2020) 吳恩柏教授 (自二零二零 年四月二十五日起) - Council 校董會 - Finance Committee 財務委員會 1 N/A 不適用 1 1 Note 1: The Council approved the revision of Standing Orders on 17 April 2020, by which Members’attendance at Council / Standing Committee meetings by electronic means would be taken as full attendance and be counted for quorum and voting purposes. Members’attendance by electronic means on or before 17 April 2020 would be noted for record but would not be taken as full attendance nor counted for quorum and voting purposes. Note 2: The Council approved the revision of Standing Orders on 17 April 2020, by which Members’ attendance at Council / Standing Committee meetings by electronic means would be taken as full attendance and be counted for quorum and voting purposes. As such, Members’ attendance by electronic means after 17 April 2020 was taken as full attendance and counted for quorum and voting purposes. Note 3: Attendance included in this column represents physical attendance and full attendance by electronic means permitted by virtue of the revised Standing Orders. Note 4: Attended the meeting in the capacity of Acting President on 26 May 2020. 註釋一:校董會於二零二零年四月十七日通過修訂會議常規,成員以電子方式參與校董會或常設委員會會議,將視作出席會議,並計入法定及表決人數。成員 於二零二零年四月十七日或以前以電子方式參與會議,該次出席只作記錄,並不計入法定和表決人數。 註釋二:校董會於二零二零年四月十七日通過修訂會議常規,成員以電子方式參與校董會或常設委員會會議,將視作出席會議,並計入法定和表決人數。據 此,成員於二零二零年四月十七日後以電子方式參與會議,均視作出席該等會議,並計入法定和表決人數。 註釋三:此欄列出的出席率根據修訂後的會議常規計算,包括親身出席及以電子方式參與會議。 註釋四:二零二零年五月二十六日以署理校長身份參與會議。