The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 55 管治報告 Risk Themes 風險類別 Risk Statements 風險陳述 Mitigation Plans 減低風險計劃 Risk Treatment 風險管理 Human resources 人力資源 • Challenges in recruiting and retaining the right talents if not dealt with timely may affect EdUHK to deliver its objectives • 若不適時處理招聘及保留合 適人才方面的挑戰,可能影 響本校實現目標 • Develop a sustainable human resources strategy and plan that can support the University’s overall objectives • Review andmaintain competitive remuneration packages, and fair and transparent appraisal and reward systems • Cultivate a performance driven culture to reward high performers • Draw up a succession plan for key positions • 發展可持續人力資源策略及計劃, 支持本校實現整體目標 • 檢視及維持具競爭力的薪酬待遇, 以及公平和具透明度的評核及獎賞 制度 • 培養以表現為本的文化,嘉獎表現 優異的員工 • 就重要職位設立繼任計劃 • Periodic review of the performance- based reward system to retain talents and reward high performers • Formulated staff re-engagement procedures and HRO would, on an annual basis, bring up the list of staff members reaching retirement age in the coming five academic years for the attention of Deans/Directors/Vice-Presidents/ President. Appropriate succession plan or re-engagement plan would then be discussed by the Staff Re-engagement Committee • 定期檢視以績效為本的獎勵制度,以 留住人才及嘉獎表現優異的員工 • 已制訂一套員工退休後重行聘用程 序,人力資源處每年會將未來五個學 年內將屆退休年齡的員工名單,提 交予各學院院長/部門主管/副校長/校 長。合適的繼任計劃或員工退休後重 行聘用安排將由員工退休後重行聘用 委員會進行討論 Financial sustainability 財政可持續性 • Ineffective financial planning and analysis, budget and investment monitoring in response to different challenges and uncertainties may affect EdUHK’s financial sustainability • 在應對不同挑戰及不確定性 時,若缺乏有效的財政計 劃、分析、預算及投資監 管,可能會影響本校財政的 可持續性 • Maintain financial viability for long-term strategic planning and development through broadening revenue streams • Maintain a prudent yet bold spending attitude • 為長遠的策略發展計劃開拓收入來 源,以保持財政穩健 • 作審慎而進取的理財管理 • Review and approval of significant budget allocation and spending by the Council and the Finance Committee • Performed annual review of long-term staffing profile (e.g. retirement) and financial projection to assess flexibility in coping with funding challenges in future, if any • Additional budget allocation for new strategic initiatives • Considered discontinuation of ineffective programmes, schemes or initiatives to facilitate redeployment of resources towards areas of strategic priority • 檢視及通過由校董會及財務委員會作 出的重大財政預算撥款及開支 • 已進行年度檢視長遠員工組成狀況(例 如退休)及財政預算,評估未來撥款若 出現挑戰時的彈性空間 • 為新策略舉措提供額外撥款 • 已考慮終止欠缺效益的項目、計劃或舉 措,以便將資源調配至更有迫切需要的 策略範疇上 Safety and environment 安全及環境 • Uncertainties arising from recent COVID-19 outbreak and public events poses potential threats to the daily operations and campus facilities, and impacting safety and security of staff and students • 近期出現的新型冠狀病毒肺 炎疫情及公眾事件,帶來諸 多不確定性,對校園日常運 作及設施構成潛在威脅,影 響教職員及學生的安全 • Maintain a safe campus for all staff and students • 致力為教職員及學生維持一個安全 校園 • Formed a cross-unit Emergency Task Force to coordinate efforts in the prevention and control of infectious diseases on campus • Implemented appropriate public health and social measures as recommended by relevant authorities • 成立跨部門緊急應變小組,協調校園 內的疾病預防及控制工作 • 根據有關部門建議,採取適當的公共 衛生及防疫措施