The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

長足發展 我一直心繫教育,深信教育是社會的重要基石。教育不但創 建知識,促進繁榮,更塑造我們的價值觀、處世態度,以至 人生使命。教大正肩負如此重責,矢志培育優秀及關懷社群 的教育人才與專業人士,回饋香港,惠澤海外。我有幸參與 其中,著實與有榮焉。 過去三年多,我親歷教大向前邁進,日新又新的發展。這全 仗教職員、學生、校友、友好、支持者及捐贈者共同努力所 致。在此,我謹向你們每一位致以由衷謝意。因疫情所限, 恕我未能一一親身道謝。 回顧過去數年,我十分高興見證教大茁壯成長,卓然有成。 在學與教、研究與知識轉移的領域,我們無論在本地、區內 以至國際,均取得長足發展。建基於百年師道承傳,教大一 直是教師教育的中流砥柱。本校學者屢獲國際及本地獎項、 院士榮銜,還有研究經費,足證他們的學術成就與創新表 現,備受認同。教大的多元學科、多元語境,以及多元文化 的學習氛圍,使校園充滿朝氣,惠及莘莘學子。 拓展網絡 為推動教育創新,並擴闊大學網絡,本校與海外大學及國際 組織締結夥伴關係,包括:聯合國教科文組織、世界銀行及 亞洲開發銀行等。藉著知識轉移項目,我們的專家團隊在歐 亞與東南亞不少國家留下足印。我們分別在越南及柬埔寨推 動當地的教師教育,為兩地的教育改革作出貢獻。本校於教 育領域的先導地位,亦於 QS 世界及亞洲大學學科排名中屢獲 肯定。 Making strides Education has always been close to my heart and I am convinced that it is a cornerstone of our society, developing not only knowledge and prosperity but also shaping our values, attitudes and life missions. It has therefore been a great honour to be part of a university which plays such a prominent role in nurturing outstanding and caring educators and professionals who contribute positively to the development of Hong Kong and beyond. I am deeply indebted to everyone who has played a part in the progress the University has made over the past three years or so. There are so many people I would like to thank personally: including staff, students, friends, supporters and donors to the University; but I may not be able to do so due to the pandemic. Looking back over my tenure, I am pleased that there have been many extraordinary developments and achievements at the University. We have come a long way in terms of learning and teaching, research and knowledge transfer, locally, regionally and globally. Grounded in our century-old education heritage, we have served as a bastion of teacher education. Our scholars have received international and local awards, fellowships and research funding in recognition of their academic achievements and innovations. Our students have also benefitted from the University’s robust multidisciplinary, multilingual and multicultural learning environment. Extending reach To expand the University’s reach and profile and to drive education innovation, partnerships have been established with overseas universities and international organisations, including UNESCO, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. And through our knowledge transfer projects, we have left our marks in Eurasian and Southeast Asian countries. In particular, we have helped shape and enhance teacher education in Vietnam and Cambodia, contributing to their educational reform. Our leading role in education has also been consistently recognised in the QS world and regional rankings. 香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 5 校董會主席前言  Flanked by the President (left); the founding Council Chairman, Dr Simon Ip Sik-on, (right-centre); and the Vice President (Academic) and Provost (right); the Chairman officiates at the ceremony to open the time capsule, placed on the campus in the 1990s 校董會主席聯同校長(左)、創校校董會主席葉錫安博士(右二)及學術及 首席副校長(右)主持開啟儀式,解封於九十年代在校園內封存的時間囊