The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

46 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 本校的管治 根據香港教育大學條例(「條例」),校董會乃本校行 政決策機構,對本校行政及相關事務具全面控制權; 而教務委員會則在獲校董會授權後,就本校學術課 程、考試及頒授學術資歷、收生及其他學術事務等方 面,作出規管、策劃、檢討,並向校董會提供意見。 校董會 校董會目前由二十六名成員組成,當中十五名為香港 特別行政區行政長官委任之校外成員,包括主席、副 主席、司庫,以及五名具工商或專業界別經驗的成 員、三名具高等教育經驗的成員、三名具高等教育以 外的教育範疇經驗的成員,以及一名公職人員。其餘 成員分別為本校校長、三名由校董會委任之副校長、 六名本校教職員(三名由教職員推選,三名經教務委 員會提名並獲校董會委任),以及一名由校董會委任 的全日制學生。 二零二零年六月三十日之校董會成員,以及迄 至本年報刊登期間的變化 主席 馬時亨教授,金紫荊星章,太平紳士 副主席 葉禮德先生,太平紳士 司庫 趙麗娟女士,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 Governance of the University Pursuant to The Education University of Hong Kong Ordinance (“Ordinance”), the Council is the executive governing body of the University and has general control over the administration of the University and the conduct of its affairs, whereas the Academic Board is responsible for planning, reviewing and advising the Council on and, if so empowered by the Council, regulating the academic programmes, examinations and conferment of academic awards; and admission of students and academic matters of the University. Council At present, the Council comprises 26 Members, 15 of whom are lay members appointed by the Chief Executive of HKSAR, including the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Treasurer, and five other Members who have had relevant experience in commerce, industry or a profession; three Members who have had relevant experience in higher education; three Members who have had relevant experience in education other than higher education; and a Public Officer. The other Members are the University’s President and three Vice Presidents appointed by the Council; six Staff Members (three are elected by staff members and the other three are nominated by the Academic Board and appointed by the Council); and a full-time student appointed by the Council. Council Members as at 30 June 2020 and the subsequent changes up to the date of the Report Chairman Professor Frederick MA Si-hang, GBS, JP Deputy Chairman Mr Dieter YIH, JP Treasurer Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-kuen, MH, JP Governance Report 管治報告