The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

44 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Student Information 學生資料 All figures quoted are collected as at 30 June 2020 所有資料計算截至二零二零年六月三十日 Facts and Figures 資料篇 Student Admission 入讀申請數目 Programme Type 課程類別 No. of Applications 申請數目 No. of Students Recruited (Head Count) 錄取數目(人數)  University Grants Committee-funded programmes 大學教育資助委員會資助課程 Research Postgraduate 研究院研究課程 299 30 Postgraduate Diploma in Education 學位教師教育深造文憑課程 5,100 403 Bachelor’s Degree 學士課程 62,513 1,522 Higher Diploma 高級文憑課程 7,688 371 Certificate in Professional Development Programmes 專業進修課程證書 2,370 1,212 Total 總數 77,970 3,538 Self-financing programmes 學生自資課程 Doctor of Education & Doctor of Education (Chinese)* 教育博士及教育博士(中文班) 課程* 156 24 Master's Degree 碩士課程 6,944 1,373 Bachelor's Degree 學士課程 1,021 214 Diploma 文憑課程 136 25 Total 總數 8,257 1,636 * The admission figures of Doctor of Education (Chinese) are not yet finalised. 教育博士(中文班)課程的申請及錄取數字有待確定。 Student Enrolment (Headcount) by Level of Programmes 2019/2020 二零一九至二零二零年度學生數目(人數)(按課程程度歸納) Programme Type 課程類別 UGC*-funded 教資會*資助 Self-financing 自資 Sub-total 小計 Full-time 全日制 Part-time 兼讀制 Full-time 全日制 Part-time 兼讀制 Research Postgraduate 研究院研究課程 114 0 0 1 115 Taught Postgraduate 修讀式學士後課程 160 612 1,365 546 2,683 Bachelor’s Degree 學士課程 3,721 1,514 901 172 6,308 Higher Diploma / Diploma 高級文憑 /文憑課程 716 25 23 0 764 Certificate in Professional Development Programmes 專業進修課程證書 528 678 0 0 1,206 Total 總數 5,239 2,829 2,289 719 11,076 * The full name of UGC is University Grants Committee. 教資會全名為大學教育資助委員會。