The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

Chairman’s Foreword 校董會主席前言 I write this Foreword with mixed emotions, as this is my fourth and final message in my capacity as Council Chairman, a position I have held with great honour and fulfilment. In a way, this Foreword represents my farewell message, as I have decided not to take on another three-year term as Council Chairman, though I shall continue to serve education, albeit in another capacity, on a different platform. 執筆之際,百感交集。這是我第四次以校董會主席身分為 教大年報撰寫前言。能擔承主席重任,實屬榮幸;箇中滿足 感,更難以言喻。由於我已決定於年底卸任,這篇前言可說 是臨別贈言。往後,我將以另一身分、在另一平台,繼續為 教育界盡一分力。 4 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020