The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 37 夥伴合作:造福學界 惠澤社群 Honorary Doctorate Professor Harold Abelson 榮譽博士學位 安百師教授 Professor Harold Abelson has played an instrumental role in popularising computational thinking around the world. A book he co-authored in 1981 was cited as“the first step in a revolutionary change in the entire teaching and learning process”. The course he co-developed for Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is widely considered the gold standard for introducing computer science to undergraduates. Locally, he has been a member of the expert group of the CoolThink@JC project since 2016. He has played a significant role in MIT OpenCourseWare and DSpace, and was a founding director of Creative Commons, Public Knowledge, and the Free Software Foundation. Professor Abelson led the App Inventor project, which enables people with no previous programming experience to create applications for mobile phones. 安百師教授在推動全球電腦運算思維教育方面,擔當重要角色。他於一九八一年參與編撰的著作,更被譽為「教學過程中革命性 變革的第一步」。 安百師教授為麻省理工學院發展的課程,已被廣泛視為向大學本科生介紹電腦科學的黃金標準。而在本地,他自二零一六年起擔 任香港賽馬會運算思維教育計劃專家小組成員。 安百師教授不但建立了 MIT OpenCourseWare 及 DSpace 平台,協辦了 Creative Commons 及 Public Knowledge ,亦是自由軟件基 金會的創會總監。 他又帶領開發 MIT App Inventor 軟件,令一些從未接觸過編寫程式的人可自創手機應用程式。 Honorary Fellowship Ms AdaHoHow-sim 榮譽院士銜 何巧嬋女士 Ms Ada Ho How-sim is a veteran professional in special education and a well-known author of children’s literature. She was Principal of SEN school HHCKLA Buddhist Po Kwong School in Hong Kong, and has helped obtain the same rights for SEN students as those in mainstream schools. Nowadays, she advises school sponsoring bodies and parent organisations. At EdUHK, she is a Consultant and Guest Lecturer, promoting training of special school teachers. 資深特殊教育工作者何巧嬋女士是知名的兒童文學作家。 何女士曾擔任特殊學校香海正覺蓮社佛教普光學校校長, 為特殊學校學生爭取與主流學校學生對等的教育權益。她現 時出任辦學團體及家長組織義務顧問,亦在教大擔任顧問及 客席講師,推動特殊教育的師資培訓。 Honorary Fellowship Ms Shirley Loo, BBS, MH, JP 榮譽院士銜 羅乃萱女士, BBS , MH , JP Ms Shirley Loo, General Secretary of the Family Development Foundation, has made great contributions towards moral education for the youth. On returning to Hong Kong from living in Taiwan, Ms Loo became Editor-in-Chief of Breakthrough magazine. She later co-established, and became General Secretary of the Family Development Foundation, dedicated to promoting family education for parents and children. She has written widely acclaimed books, is a columnist for newspapers and often hosts television and radio programmes, to inspire children and promote positive thinking. 家庭發展基金總幹事羅乃萱女士對年輕人的品德教育建樹良多。 自台灣回港後,她加入《突破》雜誌,後獲擢升為總編輯。後 來,羅女士與友好共同創立家庭發展基金,擔任總幹事,致力 推動家長及兒童教育。 羅女士筆耕不輟,為本港多份報章的專欄作家,亦不時為電 視、電台主持啟發兒童及關於積極人生的節目,發放正能量。