The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

36 The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2019-2020 Community Partnership: Benefitting Schools and the Community Honorary Doctorate Dr Chan Suk-leung, GBS 榮譽博士學位 陳淑良博士, GBS Renowned Cantonese opera star Dr Chan Shuk-leung, better known by her stage name Pak Suet-sin, has devoted her career to developing the traditional performing art and ensuring its continued transmission through new generations of talent. Her first encounter with Ms Yam Kim-fai set the stage for the future Yam–Pak legend. Together they formed the Sin Fung Ming opera troupe, which united the top Cantonese opera practitioners of the era, including master playwright Mr Tong Tik-sang. Driven by a desire to promote the traditional art form, the duo established the Chor FungMing opera troupe. Dr Chan took a hands-on approach to teaching and stage design, nurturing a new generation of Cantonese opera stars. 粵劇名伶陳淑良博士,以藝名白雪仙而廣為人知。她將畢生精力傾注於這項傳統表演藝術,更致力承傳粵劇藝術文 化,傾盡心力扶掖後進。 陳博士與任劍輝女士初結台緣那年,為「任白」傳奇掀開幔幕。二人合組「仙鳳鳴劇團」,雲集當時粵劇界菁英, 包括著名編劇唐滌生先生。 為推動粵劇戲曲傳承,二人創立「雛鳳鳴劇團」,由傳授技藝到舞台設計、人事管理,事必親躬,悉心栽培接班人。 Honouring great contributors to the community 表彰社會傑出人士