The Education University of Hong Kong | Annual Report 2019-2020

香港教育大學 2019-2020 年報 35 夥伴合作:造福學界 惠澤社群 關愛校園 二零一九至二零學年,教大獲香港社會服務聯會頒發「十五年 同心展關懷」標誌,以表彰本校十多年來,堅守關懷社群的承 諾。本校亦簽署由勞工處推出的《好僱主約章》 2020 ;並獲聯 合國兒童基金會頒發感謝狀,肯定本校在支持及推廣母乳餵哺 友善工作間方面所作出的努力。 此外,教大通過僱員再培訓局對「 ERB 人才企業嘉許計劃」的重 新評估,再獲頒授「人才企業」殊榮,有效期為兩年,由二零 二零年四月一日開始直至二零二二年三月三十一日為止。 在保護環境方面,大學於二零二零年再度簽署《節能約章》 及《 4Ts 約章》,以期在二零二一至二二學年,達至較二零一六 至一七學年節電減能百分之三。而自二零一九年起,本校亦延 伸廚餘回收計劃,由餐廳擴展至學生及教職員宿舍。 Caring campus In recognition of our strong commitment to community care for more than a decade, we received the ‘15 Years Caring Organisation’ logo from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2019-20. The University also became a signatory of the Labour Department’s Good Employer Charter 2020, and received a Certificate of Appreciation from UNICEF for support in promoting a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace for 2019-20. Furthermore, EdUHK passed the renewal assessment of the Employees Retraining Board Manpower Developer Award Scheme and was granted the award status of Manpower Developer for another two years from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022. On the environmental conservation front, the University once again signed the Energy Saving Charter and 4Ts Charter in 2020, with an electricity-saving target of 3% from the 2016-17 level by 2021-22. Since 2019, the food waste-collection programme has been extended from the catering outlet and student halls to the staff quarters. Former French PM gives lecture on Napoleon In October 2019, we welcomed Mr Dominique de Villepin, a former French prime minister and a historian famous for his award-winning book on Napoleonic times. He delivered a lecture entitled ‘In Memory of Napoleon Bonaparte: A 250-year Legend’. The event was part of EdUHK’s Distinguished Lecture Series in French Culture and Education, jointly organised by EdUHK and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau. 法國前總理講述拿破崙傳奇 二零一九年十月,本校與法國駐港澳總領事館合辦教大法 國文化和教育「傑出學者講座」,榮幸邀得法國前總理多明尼 克.德維爾潘先生擔任主講嘉賓,以「紀念拿破崙:傳奇 250 載」為題,與師生分享拿破崙傳奇。德維爾潘先生本身乃一名歷 史學家,對拿破崙的生平事跡素有研究,相關著作亦曾獲獎。